Placing your fingers on your chest like that, just to be different from the others? Tsk.
Q: Are you Hyun Bins anti-fan? Despite all those shortcomings, the very fact that to be able to do sit-ups with Hyun Bin beside you, how enjoyable the exercise would be. If Hyun Bin is doing sit-ups, Ill be grateful to hold down his ankles for the entire day.
credit thanks: http://otayamin.wordpress.com/2010/11/23/have-you-ever-seen-hyun-bin-do-sit-ups/
A: Scuse me
if Ha Ji Won holds down my ankles I can do hundreds, thousands of sit-ups readily! No, she doesnt even have to hold anything, even if she pushes me backwards I can still do millions of sit-ups!
Q: Push you backwards? Because she hates looking at your face?
A: Thats soooo childish of you
Not cos of my face, but to exercise my abs to the fullest. As I said earlier, the hardest sit-ups is to do them while raising your arms above your head or wearing weights behind your head. If you push someone backwards while Im rising forward, that will really exercise my abs. Frankly, whether the person performing the sit-up or the person anchoring him, the exercise itself is complex you need a good partnership in order to have an effective exercise. *smug*
Q: Sounds dubious
So its ok if I touch Hyun Bin during our good partnership exercise? Waa
that sounds like a great idea!
A: Yaa
Lemme teach you something even better. The best way to stimulate abs is to do sit-ups ALONE.
Q: Alone? Sit-ups cant be completed alone!
A: Who said sit-ups are for 2? The main aim of sit-ups is to exercise your abdominal muscles, as we usually use more of the spinal cord muscles behind the abs. Thus theres a risk of injuring your waist when doing sit-ups, though in my experience I doubt thats really possible. To maximise the workout on your abs, try to reduce the force exerted by the back muscles. Thats what you call crunches, done while you lie on your back. In sit-ups, only the tail end of the spine touches the ground while the rest of the body has to rise up, while during crunches, only your upper abs are exerted as you rise with your entire back is on the ground. Crunches exert less back muscles than sit-ups but gives concentrates more exertion on the abs. Because nobody is anchoring you, you dont have to exert against the strength of your lower body. To just exercise your upper abs, its better to ly down alone with your legs in the air, like a leg raise, and lunge forth and backwards. Anyway, Im just saying that when you dont have a partner, this ab-exercise is more effective than a sit-up.
Q: Fine, make your 6 packs alone and live a life of contentment playing around with your mates.
A: Ok, you grab my ankles then. Youre not even saying anything helpful, telling me to do everything by myself?
Q: If I anchor you, you wont nag anymore and exercise hard right?
A: 10 million sit-ups?
*this is the trademark sneer that Park Young Jin does in his Couple Debate corner in Gag Concert.
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26 พ.ย. 53 21:46:50