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The woman disguised as a man who confidently entered Sungkyunkwan, a place off-limits to women A worn out-looking Park Minyoung, who lost 4kg during 5 months of filming, entered.
It seems like just yesterday that I was fighting with the hot sun on set, but suddenly winter has arrived. Ive suffered a bit because of the winter cold that came suddenly without autumn in between. It was difficult because my body had a tough time, but I learned a huge amount. Because I gave everything I had and did my best during filming, I have no regrets. If I have a daughter later, its a drama I would definitely want to show her.
Park Yoochun and Yoo Ah In are, along with the object of their love triangle Park Minyoung, all the same age as 1986-ers. In spending a long time stuck together, the three of them have become very close friends. They are as comfortable with each other to the point where they dont see one another as members of the opposite sex, and whenever there was a moment of rest on set, they would get together and talk. Might that be why? For a little while, there were rumors that Park Minyoung had a scandal with her loveline partner, Park Yoochun.
I guess its because we were deeply absorbed in our acting. Its probably because we get along really well. Dont misunderstand! Haha. Actually, Yoochun-ssi jokes around a lot and is really fun. When he starts acting, he tries very hard and gives everything he has. Though its his first acting challenge, he was prepared and had received solid training.
On the other hand, her thoughts on Yoo Ah In are a bit different.
He has a unique worldview. Theres a side to him thats more sincere and deeper [than others]. If the others are like friends, then Ah In-ssi feels more like an older brother, maybe?
Yoonhee, whose will is stronger than her delicate looks would betray, is a person with pride and tenacity inferior to no man. Park Minyoung said that Yoonhee had so many similarities to her own self that she felt like her other half.
Like Yoonhee, Im also strong and positive in all circumstances. I do my best even when things are difficult and hard. In a way, I feel like Park Minyoung has entered Sungkyunkwan as an actor. Im not complacent, thinking Ive become popular, and I will become an actor who does not forget her original purpose and works harder than ever.
Though, excepting just one episode, she has worn mens clothes throughout the entire drama, she is not sad. She remarked that strangely, she hasnt had many roles where she could wear lots of pretty clothes, and laughed as she said that she would also be wearing average and ordinary clothes in her next project, a movie titled <Cat>.
I want critics to say, Now she seems like a true actress. I would like people who felt Yoonhees sincere heart to know that I, Park Minyoung, was acting with a sincere heart. Please expect many things from me [in the future].
[Red type under the picture]
Please give me a chance.
Its the first time in my life.
The first time I have met someone
who acknowledges my ability,
the first time I have met someone
who takes my side.
Please give me this chance.
Please allow me to
throw questions to this world.
Please give me the permission
to have the chance to dream of a new world.
source: Yoo Ah Ins DC Inside Gallery via Purpledoll3′s Naver blog
trans by: jaeshinah
shared by: sharingyoochun.net