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SMAP - Unposted Letter 作詩:麻生哲朗 作曲:コモリタミノル Romaji & English translation: aleyna [aleyna.no.dahlia@gmail.com]
突然の便りで びっくりしています 久しぶり ごぶさたです ボクは元気でやっています 要するに 相変わらずです >> Totsuzen no tayori de, bikkurishiteimasu. Hisashiburi, gobusata desu. Boku wa genki de yatteimasu. Yosuru ni aikawarazu desu. >> A sudden letter surprises me. It's been a long time, I haven't written for a while. I am doing well. To put it short, nothing has changed.
いくつかの季節を 巡ってきた分だけ それぞれの道は離れ なぜか 不思議と今になって キミのことがわかります >> Ikutsuka no kisetsu wo meguttekita bundake, sorezore no michi wa hanare nazeka. Fushigi to ima ni natte, Kimi no koto ga wakarimasu. >> Seasons have come and gone, why are they as many as the roads that lead me away from you? Even if everything else will become strange and unfamiliar, I will always understand you.
見えないけど消えてもない 妙な距離が心地いいです >> Mienai kedo kietemonai; myou na kyori ga kokochi ii desu. >> I don't see you but you're still there; this new distance between us feels good.
いつも 思い出すとか 忘れ去ってしまうとか どちらでもなく 余計な 気持ちはなくて 大きな愛のようなもの だけがあるような いい感じです >> Itsumo omoidasu toka, wasuresatteshimau toka dochira demo naku. Youkei na kimochi wa nakute. Ookina ai no you na mono dake ga aru you na ii kanji desu. >> Always remembering and forgetting again, but then again that's not how it is. There are no unnecessary feelings, like serious, deep love. This just seems to feel right.
どこまで来れたとか あとどれくらいとか わからないままですけど あの頃にキミに話してた 道をまだ歩いてみてます >> Doko made koreta toka, ato dore kurai toka, wakaranai mama desu kedo... Ano koro ni kimi ni hanashiteta, michi wo mada aruitemitemasu. >> When will it all be too much for me, to what extent can I go; I don't know but... That's when I talk to you, and it makes me want to keep going.
許したり笑ったり 今ならば普通に できることも増えました 「あの頃にもし…」なんてことは 考えないようにしてます >> Yurushitari, warattari ima naraba futsu ni dekiru koto mo fuemashita. "Ano koro ni moshi..." nante koto wa kangaenai you ni shiteimasu. >> Forgiving and smiling, now it's easier to do that casually. "Those times..." that's something I try not to think about.
振り返りたいわけではなく 今のキミに 今のボクから >> Furikaeritai wake de wanaku, ima no kimi ni ima no boku kara. >> It's not that I would like to look back, it's fine to look at the present you as the present me.
ほんの ささやかですが 勝手にですが エールを 送っていいですか? 道の途中でちゃんと 胸を張ってるボクから 元気なキミに 送りたいのは… >> Honno sasayaka desu ga, katte ni desu ga, yell wo okutte ii desu ka. Michi no tochu de chanto mune wo hatteru boku kara genki na kimi ni okuritai no wa... >> This letter is just short and it is also selfish, but is it ok to proceed to final greetings now? I am proud of being properly halfway done. I want send this to you, who are doing well...
つまり この度のこと おめでとうございます ホントよかった ちょっと 生意気ですが 大きなとても大きな 意味での愛で キミに幸あれ! >> Tsumari, kono tabi no koto omedetou gozaimasu. Honto yokatta. chotto namaiki desu ga ookina totemo ookina imi de no ai de. Kimi ni sachi are! >> In other words, thank you so much for this. I am really happy. Even if this is a little conceited, with deep and true love: I wish you all the best!
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