Chantal (ชองตาล) Chantel, Chantelle (ชองแตล)
Chantel - name meaning, origin
The girl's name Chantel \ch(an)-tel\ is a variant of Chantal (Old French), and the meaning of Chantel is "stone".
The baby name Chantel sounds like Chandel, Shantel, Chontel, Chauntel, Chantil, Chantiel, Chantell, Chantele, Chantela and Chantael. Other similar baby names are Chanel, Chante, Chantrel, Chantez, Chantey, Chanter, Chantee and Chantea.
Chantel is a very common first name for women (#1126 out of 4276) but an uncommon last name for both men and women. (1990 U.S. Census)
Chantelle - name meaning, origin
The girl's name Chantelle \ch(an)-telle, chant(el)-le\ is a variant of Chandelle (French) and Chantal (Old French), and the meaning of Chantelle is "candle; stone".
The baby name Chantelle sounds like Shantelle, Chawntelle, Chauntelle, Chantille, Chantielle, Chantella, Chantell, Chantele and Chantalle. Other similar baby names are Channelle, Chanelle and Chantrelle.
Chantelle is a very common first name for women (#1765 out of 4276) but an uncommon last name for both men and women. (1990 U.S. Census)
ที่มา : http://www.thinkbabynames.com/
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18 ธ.ค. 53 22:06:59