My english is not good, sorry! Wow, a lot of drama picture, I immediately so that more Chinese fans view, In fact, some of us with you, as watch it through the network http://www.thaitvonline.tv/thai-tv-7/, but the network was too slow ... However, through youtube sharing,we have been out of the "Kha Khong Khon" Thai translated into Chinese in the first episode http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjQ4NTM2MzYw.html, very powerful Because we like to watch P'Pong drama too, we have a different division of labor in China, everything on the network share P'Pongs all. But most Chinese fans can not come here to shout, because up too much trouble, my user name is to make Thai friends to help me up, in fact I am a girl, probably the user name shows the boys. 哇,好多剧集图片,我马上让更多的P'Pong 中国 fans来看,其实我们中一部分与你们一样,通过网络在观看它, 但是网络速度太慢了...不过通过youtube共享,我们已经出了《Kha Khong Khon》泰语译成中文的第一集,很厉害! 因为我们太爱看P'Pong的剧集,我们有不同的分工,在中国的网络上分享P'Pong的一切。 但是大多数中国fans不能来这里留言,因为注册太麻烦了,我的用户名是让泰国朋友帮助我注册的,其实我是女生,可能用户名显示的是个男生。 我的英文不好,很抱歉!
แก้ไขเมื่อ 07 มี.ค. 54 11:53:10
แก้ไขเมื่อ 07 มี.ค. 54 11:50:43
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7 มี.ค. 54 11:49:17