Description of the supporting cast:
Shin Il-Sik
Ji-Hyun’s father, CEO of Shin Corporation, dotes on his daughter, completely trusts Min-Ho whom his daughter loves, advances daughter’s wedding when received news of his gastric cancer, only to suffer a greater tragedy.
Ji Hyun-Mo
Ji-Hyun’s mother, a typical good wife, falls into despair after her beloved daughter’s accident, feels a strange intimacy with Yi-Kyung with Ji-Hyun’s soul in her.
Pak So-Wu
Ji-Hyun’s recognized best friend, a little scatter-brained but has balanced personality, very clean and kind, has a crush on Han Kang.
O He-Wen
General Manager of Han Kang’s winebar, like a father and mentor to HK, contacted HK’s dead mother on behalf of HK, used to be a monk but has since retired, in a loving relationship with wife.
Pan Hwa-Jin
OHW’s wife, single-minded in her love for her husband, especially cares about the two-souls-in-one Yi-Kyung.
Lu Jin-Bin
Psychiatrist, secretly in love with Song Yi-Kyung, treats SYK who is suffering from mental disorder with the two souls in her.
Cha Jin-Yung
Min-Ho’s high school classmate, knows all about MH’s past, like his shadow.
Ki Jun-Hee
Part-timer in Han Kang’s winebar, poor but bright and positive, a passionate wannabe filmmaker.
Ma Soon-Jon
Staff in Han Kang’s winebar, failed in love 13 times, married and divorced, but an expert in man/woman relationship.
Ko Mo-Jin
Public Relations staff in Shin Corp., typical ordinary person, supplies company information to SYK with 2 souls in her.
(Credit: http://hyunjaelove.jp. Special thanks to our translator for above details!)
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