Q: In the movie, we only get to see 3 days of Hoon. But what happened to this guy that brought him to the US, and why did he end up doing that kind of job this guy must have had some kind of past, right? When you first attempted the character of Hoon, did you give this character a background story to work from?
A: Rather than a story, I spent more efforts thinking about the situation of each scene. Hoons job (he does anything for women, in return for money) involves a lot of interaction with women, and he has to deal with unexpected situations with a lot of flexibility*. This was one of the most common topic I discussed with the director, and the word that the director said the most to me was that flexibility*.
*유연함 the word is literally flexibility, but on a human dimension, it also involves tenderness, yielding ^^;
In the movie, nearly every situation that Hoon is in seems to be unexpected. Rather than making calculated moves, Hoon is always improvising on the spot what happened, who it is happening to, what Hoon has to do to whoever it is Hoon is always using his flexibility to deal with them. Therefore, rather than Hoons past, I thought more about Hoons reactions to the present.
Q: There were 2 scenes in [Manchu] that left a deep impression for me. The first is the scene where Hoon got into a fight with Annas ex-lover over a fork. It was funny, yet bitter. It could be regarded as the scene which had the most laughs during the press conference too. The other scene is the kiss scene in the later half of the movie. That painstakingly, beautifully shot scene will definitely be well-remembered in the film history of Korea. When you were filming the kiss scene, what kind of tension was experienced, what kind of feelings did you have to get into the scene?
A: First of all, I think the weather in the background helped a lot (for us) to capture the emotions. For me, I listened repeatedly to music that matched the scene at the filming location. Together with Tang Wei and the director, the three of us discussed much about that scene too. It took the longest time to capture the emotions of that scene. The fork scene was also a very great scene. When watching the movie in its entirety, that was one of the longest scenes, and I guess the scene where the most number of characters appeared. That scene was the funeral of Annas mother, and there were many dialogues from different characters, and because of that we had to rehearse the scene one day before filming, at the filming location. It was a scene that had the most thorough preparations.
Q: Director Kim Tae Yong is well-known as one for films with much delicate sensitivity, as all his many mania female fans can attest to. Would you like to share anything new you learned while working with him?
A: The love he has for his works, that passion, I think thats the greatest (thing I learned). In this movie, the production towards the later half was quite prolonged, but he continued working on it, again, and then again. (laughs) The way I see it, till the director is satisfied, it will take a pretty long time to finish it. Till the day of the movie opening, he will always been editing the parts which he feels is inadequate, he will do that with a smile and finish it with much happiness. I feel that he is a really great director, because that process is really difficult (referring to re-editing of film before its release). A good-natured obsession? A kind-hearted greedy pig? (laughs) Really, the directors a very nice person. But the way he only allows for the best, towards the very end of the project, thats something I really want to learn from him. Though there are times when I also wish he would stop being that way too. (laughs)
Q: Was there any scene which he persistently re-filmed many times?
A: Of course there were scenes which he wanted to do so. (laughs) But because of the unique circumstances, of being in America, that couldnt be done even if you wanted to. As I look at the director, one thing I feel regretful for him is that originally he didnt wear a watch at the filming locations. But after a while, I noticed there was a watch on his wrist. Every scene of filming became a financial consideration, everything seemed to have become structured into a system, and thus the director had no choice but to compromise within those circumstances. I guess if the director could film till hes really satisfied, even one day wouldnt be enough to film each scene alone. (laughs)
Q: While on the topic of stubborness, [Come Rain, Come Shine]s Director Lee Yoon Ki shouldnt be belittled as well. (laughs)
A: Ahhyooo~ (oh my~) Of course. Both of them are close friends actually. (laughs) While I was working with Director Lee Yoon Ki in his movie, what was interesting were the times when there were scenes which had to be filmed One-Scene-One-Cut (scenes which must be perfect after just one take, maybe because of certain limitations), and that happened quite frequently. I also filmed One-Scene-One-Cut many times, it was refreshing for me. Also because of the way the director trusts his actors, and give them much leeway (to do what they want).
Q: You filmed [Come Rain, Come Shine] with no guarantee (no compensation). Which aspects of the film attracted you such that you wanted to commit to this film?
A: Up to now, Ive always been selecting works that I want to act in. [Come Rain, Come Shine] is also one of those works. But Ive no idea. Frankly, in a situation like mine, I do watch many big-scale movies, with dazzling scenes. But there are also smaller movies or art movies, movies that earn much less than blockbusters but which are calm, more subdued, yet meaningful. I feel that without these kind of movies, blockbusters wont exist as well. If movies released everyday consists of mostly blockbusters, action movies, captivating trailers, then people will be overwhelmed (negatively). Thus I believe its better to have movies with all sorts of themes and genres.
[Come Rain, Come Shine] is that kind of movie. It is interesting, the way it portrays the feelings of a man and a woman as they face a separation. The persistence of Director Lee Yoon Ki had also been very
(laughs) But I really appreciated that too. Thats why I chose this film. As Ive said in another interview, Im not being charitable here. Acting is my profession, thats why there must be a form of compensation for it too. However, here appears a film with a good idea. Of course, If I were to immediately reject this offer because I had financial difficulties, thats another matter altogether. But to be part of a film by someone who wants to produce something out of a good idea, I liked it. Of course, if it goes on to help my career, that would be good too.
I hope to be able to separate work and privacy, but its not easy
Q: In the drama [Friend, Our Legend], although your character was quite masculine, the rest of your works mainly portray you in more feminine roles. If any similarities were to be seen from those roles, that may probably mean you yourself are attracted to those certain characteristics.
A: Well. From a wider context, the reality is that there are many more melodramas and love comedies available than dramas from the macho genre. But I guess for me, the only reason is that I just miss the timing to get the more masculine roles. Its not that I only pick roles from a certain genre, rather, Im always thinking that I should have done certain roles that I did not get to do. I pick works because at that time when I learned about it, I felt it was interesting, thats how I end up doing it. If the timing is right, I would do noir or action dramas.
Q: While watching Secret Garden, I thought that Hyun Bin, you are an actor who can cry really well. Are you such a sensitive person in real life?
A: Nope (laughs)
Q: So what should one do to be able to act so well in crying scenes?
A: Frankly, crying scenes are difficult. What I had learnt initially, it was medicine turned poison for me (well-meaning advice that doesnt work). When I started my acting career, I was told that you must really cry when filming crying scenes. That you must cry your own real tears, that any conscious crying will look artificial and will not be acceptable. Im not sure but I think this way of crying only resulted in me being very exhausted. To tell the truth, its possible to excel in a crying in a scene not by your real tears but by technique. So while I didnt start out like that, now I have realized (the latter way).
Also there are various ways of crying. And there are many ways of expressing yourself in a crying scene. During the World Cup, it really struck my heart while watching [Lee Kyung Kyu Is Going There]. (Its so touching) My tears just flow. Tears of happiness, those tears. I felt I must try to express it differently this time. Thats why when Ju Wonie was crying while writing the letter, whether it was the breathing, the handling, the sound of crying, I think I expressed them all somewhat differently. Normally I dont cry easily. (laughs)
Q: So what were you like as a kid?
A: Just like the others. Playing pranks, and then getting huge scoldings for it. I was a kid who loved playing and sports.
Q: I heard that you liked theater since your first year in high school, which subsequently changed your career path. Was that due to the environment you were in, or because of a certain impact you experienced?
A: After entering high school, we had to participate in club activities, and I entered the (theater) club after a senior from my middle school told me to. Initially I just did what my seniors ordered me to do. But our school participated in a national theater competition every year. The competition was held in a university, for people who loved theater, who wanted to pursue theater as their future goal. During preparations for it, I moved props in the background and appeared as extras in the performance, and gradually became interested in it. Also we held an event in the high school every year. Its like a school arts festival where we held theater performances, and was very interesting. The times when we rehearsed were fun too.
No matter how I look at it, Im an introvert and cant express myself well. But after the performance ended and I heard the audience applaud, I thought to myself, Whats this? When my parents found out I was doing theater, I was in trouble, but even then, Im not wavering on what I want. I continued to lied to my family and went to the theater rehearsal rooms. I realized that Im doing this not because someone is forcing me, but because I want to do it, and thus I decided I must do this. Even if I were to regret this later, rather than being a disappointment to anybody, to me it will always be something I wanted to do, and that, I did.
Q: As you said earlier, Hyun Bin you dont seem to be an extrovert. Thus, some have noted the similarities between Hoons introverted personality and yours. Anyway, it is quite a good thing to see people making films meet up with one another. I heard that early this year, Senior Park Joong Ho held a new year party at home, inviting several actors. Do you like these kind of gatherings?
A: Yeah. I really like it, it is not an uncomfortable situation, its similar to golf or baseball, where one perspires and holds a natural (relaxed) conversation with other people. Of course, when I first attended gatherings like these , it was difficult, but after continuing to meet, even just seeing one another is good enough. Of course these people look at me on TV or on the screen and say Wah~ But, like this meeting we are having now (for the interview), there seems to be some kind of communication and understanding between us, to me, it is a place I like to be in. Thats why I like it. When my seniors ask me out, I will try all means not to miss it.
Q: During those gatherings are you the youngest, Hyun Bin?
A: Yeah, Im the youngest. Though I have no idea till when will I continue being the youngest. (laughs)
Q: What do you guys usually talk about?
A: Well, well talk about our experiences, we also talk about movies. And books. We talk about various stuff.
Q: When you are tired from work, there will be times when you need to have certain hobbies. Hyun Bin, do you have other interests apart from work?
A: I like traveling. Though of course I travel to take a break and rest, I usually travel after Ive just finished a project. It is during this (traveling) break that I can detach myself from the character I was in previously. Besides traveling, there isnt anything else that Im especially interested in. I just continue working, and if not, Ill probably be thinking about what Im working on.
Q: Since [My Name is Kim Sam Soon] (2005), you have once again rose to new heights of popularity with [Secret Garden]. Though acting can be described as a job of self-expression to the world, on the other hand it seems like a job where one must be able to conceal parts of yourself from the public. Hyun Bin, how much percentage of yourself do you feel and think you are expressing in your life right now?
A: Well, its hard to give you an absolute figure, I just give my best in front of the camera and aim to express as much as I can. While I aim to improve further in the future and gain more experience, I feel that I have expressed whatever I can up to this present moment. However regarding my privacy I hope to be able to conceal more. I hope to be able to separate work and privacy, but there are times where its just impossible to do so. I guess our country is not yet able to do that. We are not like Hollywood, where gossip is viewed merely as gossip. It is fine if good intentions enable us to receive support and concern, but there are times when that isnt the case, and its those times that I wish I could have the power to block it. Currently, I figure the public media doesnt know my private life, not even 10% of it.
Q: When you are in the military, wouldnt the public interest in you be blocked (by the military)? (laughs)
A: Yes it will.
but can it really be blocked? (laughs)
Q: With your popularity now, that might be impossible. (laughs) Anyway, we hope you will come back from the military healthy and well.
A: Ahhyooo~ (oh my~ ^^) Thank you. Have a happy new year!
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