Love 653 - 29 April 2011 eng trans : lemonadetea @ LJ
Golden Week
What are your plans, everyone?
The day after tomorrow is my birthday.
I'll be 27 years old.
Just now when I typed 27, it really sank in that I've become an adult. (lol)
I'll try hard to become an adult on the inside, too.
I'll enjoy the time I have left being 26.
Lately I've been reading for an hour before bed!
It may be because I go to sleep right after reading, but I dream a lot. The dreams even have similar contents to the books.
If it's detective stuff, I'll dream I've become a detective. Question witnesses and stuff.
With love stories, I'll dream I'm in love...
I wake up and it's back to reality.
Just when it was in a good spot.
That sort of thing.
The simply-built Koyama Keiichiro.
Well, I'll read today, too. ★
(A continuation of the love story.)
Well then,
Please have a golden week
*dokidoki=sound of a heart pounding
แก้ไขเมื่อ 30 เม.ย. 54 16:57:41
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30 เม.ย. 54 16:52:49