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Final Episode Synopsis The first scene starts off at a train station(?) with Wonsoo. Wonsoo seems to have been waiting to catch a train with Hwashin. It becomes time for his departure. However, Hwashin hasn't showed up yet. He calls her cell phone but finds that it went straight to her voice message box. He dramatically crumples up two train tickets with his hand.
The scene switches to Hwashin thanking these movers for putting her belongings in their moving truck. Wonsoo pulls up in a taxi and starts freaking out in his typical Wonsoo-way. He runs up to Hwashin and grabs her right when she is climbing into the passenger seat of the moving truck. Wonsoo asks Hwashin what the meaning of all this is. Hwashin looks at him and asks, "Can you not tell just by looking? I am moving." Wonsoo stupidly asks her, "You're moving?" Hwashin then looks at him lays it all out. She asks him if he thinks that she is stupid and psychotic enough to want to be with him. She goes on and tells him that she bet he thought that he had won since she went back to him, but she tells him that there is no way that she'll ever really be with him. She tells him to never treat another woman the same way that he had treated her. She got divorced with Wonsoo by tricking him into signing divorce papers. He went along with it thinking that it wasn't legit when she really was going to go through with the papers to actually divorce him. She basically screws him over because she left him to fend for himself with no money or anything because she took all of it. He is apparently out of work as well. Hwashin climbs into the moving truck while Wonsoo is just kind of standing there in shock. He snaps out of it as the moving truck starts moving. He chases after it and stops it. He begs Hwashin to get out and talk things out. She looks at him and tells him that there is nothing to talk about and that this is the end. The moving truck drives away and Hwashin watches Wonsoo from the side mirror running after the truck like an idiot. Wonsoo falls to the ground and just watches the truck drive away.
On the road, Hwashin tells the driver to drop her belongings at an address she had provided him while he drops her off someplace else. Then Hwashin gets off a taxi at the corporate building that Seju's dad is in charge of. She runs right into him and he asks her what she is doing here. She tells him that she is looking for Seju. He asks her why all of a sudden she is looking for him. He tells her that Seju is leaving for America and had left for the airport a few hours ago.
Hwashin runs out of the building and quickly gets a taxi to the airport. Seju is then seen at a checkpoint in the airport just as Hwashin pulls into the airport driveway. By the way, Seju looks SO sexy in his dark gray suit and black shirt. A little after Seju sits down in the plane, Hwashin runs up to the gate and tries to gain entry into the plane but is refused. There is a little close up of Seju while he is sitting down and he looks a wee bit sad. Hwashin calls Seju's phone (he was the 0 on her speed dial, hehe). Seju's phone goes off and sees that it's Hwashin who is calling him. He didn't pick up so Hwashin tries again. This time, Seju picks up after a lot of hesitation. He is very formal in the way he speaks to her. Hwashin begs him to get out of the plane but he refuses, even though she told him that she is at the airport already. He tells her that they have no business together and starts to hang up but Hwashin is crying and begging on the phone for him to get off the plane since she isn't able to go to him, she wants him to go to her. Seju tells her that the next time he's around, he'll get in touch with her and turns off his phone. Hwashin falls to her knees in the middle of the airport while she practically breaks down in tears. Seju looks a bit teary eyed as well. Seju watches the flight attendants close the plane door and preparing for take off. He stands up and yells out that he wants to get out. Seju runs out of the airport gate while throwing his suit on at the same time (really sexy). He runs around the terminal and yells out Hwashin's name just as she is walking away.
She turns around, walks straight to him and slaps the crap out of him. She yells at him for putting her through suspense and starts walking away. He runs after her and turns her around and she starts crying and telling him that she went through a lot just so she can finally ditch Wonsoo and go to Seju as a single woman. Seju embraces her without a word and the scene switches to Wonsoo...
.... who is chugging soju at one of those vendors just thinking about a lot of the really harsh (but deserving) words that Hwashin had said to him. He sits there and starts laughing/crying like a maniac and starts banging his head repeatedly... and pretty hard on the table.... and starts crying really pathetically. He storms through his house yelling for his father. He finds his father sitting in the living room and starts blaming him for the messups that he has done. He tells his father that the reason why he acts like he does is because he has been scarred by everything that his father has done to his mother and learned how to act the way he does because of him. Wonsoo tells his father how much he has been pained by how his father had done to his family. Everyone is sitting around in tears, including his father, mother, and Boonja.
Seems like a day or two has passed. Boksoo and Yangsun are sitting in the kitchen. Yangsun tells Boksoo how Hwashin had scraped Wonsoo of all his money and just packed up and left him. Yangsun tells Boksoo to find Hwashin and get that money back or whatever.
Now Hwashin and Boksoo are at a cafe. Boksoo tells Hwashin how she has heard everything from Yangsun. She asks Hwashin if it's true what Yangsun had said. Hwashin admits that it's true. Boksoo kind of scolds her by saying how she could of done that and that she could of atleast left something for Wonsoo to live on instead of leaving him completely broke. Hwashin reminds her that before, she had told Boksoo that no matter what happens, Boksoo promised that she'll listen to Hwashin's side of the story as well. Hwashin goes on and starts a bit tearing up saying she seriously hates Wonsoo. She didn't want to live out the rest of her life being tied down to Wonsoo. She wanted to live her life the way she wants to. She asks Boksoo if she can understand that and Boksoo says she can but she still believes that Hwashin went a little too far. However, Boksoo tells Hwashin that she kind of did a good job because now Wonsoo can learn a lesson or two but then asks what Wonsoo will do now that he doesn't have Hwashin or Jiran anymore. No other woman would want Wonsoo anymore since he is without any money and it's not like he is getting any younger as well. Then, Boksoo's phone goes off and it turns out to be Wonsoo. Wonsoo asks Boksoo to meet with him. When Boksoo gets off the phone with Wonsoo, Hwashin asks Boksoo for a favor. Hwashin asks Boksoo to not help Wonsoo no matter how hard it is going for him.
Boksoo meets up with Wonsoo and Wonsoo immediately asks to borrow money from her. Boksoo comments on how Hwashin is like a psychic or something when it comes to what Wonsoo is thinking but Wonsoo laments about how Hwashin has changed her number, her address, and all other contact information. Boksoo scolds Wonsoo since he apparently thought that he could live a good life after screwing up Jiran's life and Hwashin's life. Boksoo tells Wonsoo that she is ashamed of him and that men like him shouldn't exist in society. Boksoo tells him to straighten up his life and comments that his own life was ruined by their father's life and that he should better himself for Chul as well. She also tells him to not bother asking her for money ever again.
Wonsoo is out walking down some building and he walks past this empty store and flips out (I think this was Hwashin's new store that she went to after leaving Seju's store). There is a guy cleaning up the place and he tells Wonsoo that the owners had moved to a better/bigger store since it became so much more successful. Wonsoo seriously freaks out and kicked a box around.
Now, at a new store, Hwashin and her new partner unveil a new sign. They are clapping and acting all giddy.
Later that night, Hwashin and Seju are drinking soju together. They feed each other food, it's so cute!
Scene goes back to Wonsoo's house... where he is already looking like a bum. He is sitting there eating ramen when Yangsun comes and slams him in the back. She tells him that she is absolutely disgusted by him and his slobbery and bummery. ........ew, in this scene he spits ramen noodles EVERYWHERE since Yangsun keeps hitting him haha. She kicks him out of the kitchen and Boonja walks out of a room. Wonsoo immediately runs up to her but she quickly tells him that she doesn't have any money. Wonsoo's father yells for Wonsoo to come into his room and throws him some bills.
Now, Wonsoo is walking around in a suit. Apparently he is trying his hand at being a salesman. He is horrible at it since he's so clingy and annoying. He even gets chased by a dog, haha. Wonsoo is now at the subway where he is waiting for his ride. He catches a glimpse of Mojiran and freaks out, but his train had already started moving. He gets off the next stop and runs back over to where he saw her but she had already disappeared. He is really distressed that he had lost sight of her. He goes back home and into his room which is now a complete mess. He gets flashbacks of Jiran's chirpiness and good mood she used to have whenever he came back from work and how she cooked and cleaned diligently always with a smile on her face. Wonsoo then wakes up from a bad dream he apparently had later that night and starts crying his eyes out.
Next day, he goes to Jiran's ex-husband's house and calls her but it went to her voice mail. He runs into Jiran's daughter outside who asks him why he's here. Wonsoo tells her that she is looking for Jiran just to see if she is living well. The daughter comments on how he could care so much for the well-being of someone he had kicked out of his house. Then she told Wonsoo that Jiran hasn't turned up at her house and even if she did, there wouldn't be any place for her since her father had remarried. Now Wonsoo freaks out because now he realizes that Jiran probably didn't have a place to go after he had kicked her out.
Wonsoo goes by this restaurant and the lady there tells him that they had kicked out Jiran after she had worked there for a while. Now he goes on this mad goosechase looking for her at temples, at places where a lot of homeless people converge together at, and even at mental asylums. He puts up millions of posters of Jiran's face to look for her. At the end of the day, he crawls into his unmade bed and cries his pathetic heart out again. The next day while he is putting up more posters, he gets a call from some orphanage(?) where the head director(?) tells Wonsoo that Jiran had passed away. She tells him that they had scattered her ashes at this place... and Wonsoo goes there and he starts bawling his eyes out. I got to hand it to the actor who is playing Wonsoo. He did some insane crying and yelling of "Jiran!" ..... a lot of snot and everything gross was in his crying as well.
Now Wonsoo is sitting in a subway holding up a sign saying that he was a cheater and how he screwed up his life because he had cheated. People crowded around him and started throwing change, making mean remarks, and hitting him with water bottles. He gets all gross looking and I guess he hasn't been back home in a while.
Then, Mojiran shows up! She sees Wonsoo standing there pitifully and when Wonsoo sees her, he holds up his arms so that she can go hug him. Mojiran goes to him and embraces him and Wonsoo and Jiran gets on a bus.
A year has passed and the scene switches to some countryside by the ocean. Gijuk is seen driving around in a mo-ped being happily greeted by the locals. Apparently he became a small town doctor. Then Gijuk is at a boat dock where Gijuk greets his two daughters who had come to visit him. Then, Boksoo comes out from the boat as well, looking very pregnant with Gileok following behind her. Seems as though Boksoo and Gijuk have a good relationship going on. Seems as though Gijuk's father is living with Gijuk as well. Gijuk is single but it seems as though there is a lady in town who Gijuk could be having interest for.
Now at a conference, Hwashin and Seju are merging their companies together. After the conference, Seju pulls Hwashin to some secluded part of the building and they have a VERY hot kiss! They are so cute together!
Boksoo and Hwashin are together at some restaurant. Seems like Hwashin is returning the money that she had taken from Wonsoo a year ago. Boksoo hasn't heard from Wonsoo in a while though but said she'll give it to him when she next sees him. Boksoo and Hwashin seem to have an amazing friendship again.
Wonsoo and Jiran are seen doing some honest work together at a restaurant. They look very happy together and even Wonsoo seems like a better person. After closing their restaurant, Jiran tells Wonsoo that he should visit Yangsun since it is her birthday and all.
At Yangsun's birthday party, Yangsun starts crying since everyone in the family is all gathered around except Wonsoo. As they start singing "Happy Birthday" to her, Wonsoo walks in. Yangsun hugs Wonsoo and starts crying. Apparently no one has seen him for a year and didn't even know how to contact him or reach him. However, they are glad to see that he is doing good and with Jiran as well. Everyone greats Jiran and there is a lot of hugging and crying going around.
Then, while the party is still going on, Yangsun and Simhan are outside just talking together. They are talking about dying before each other and being buried next to each other or something (my Korean is a bit lacking). It's a pretty sad and touching scene. Simhan tries to hold Yangsun's hand but her being stubborn kind of fights it. Simhan thanks Yangsun for everything and Yangsun starts crying and tries to brush it off and stuff but they start laughing and they are just so sweet to each other! The episode ends with a freeze shot of Yangsun and Simhan looking at each other and smiling while holding hands.
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20 เม.ย. 54 23:11:15