49 Days: Gag order on ending wulijohyunjae | May 17, 2011 |
2011.05.17 Breaknews.com (English translation by wulijohyunjae)
The production unit of the SBS hit drama 49 Days has issued a gag order on the ending of 49 Days which is drawing to a close. Viewers interest and curiosity have reached fever pitch.
In Episode 18 broadcast on May 12, the protagonist Ji-Hyun awakes. This development, together with the reversal ending preview, has aroused tremendous interest.
During that episode, Ji-Hyuns soul which has been wandering the earth suddenly receives the last two drops of tears just as she is about to take the elevator to heaven and wakes up. As to who will follow the Scheduler (whose tenure is about to end) on the road to death, there is a lot of speculation and everybody is very curious.
After that episode aired, there appeared many spoilers on the ending on various online bulletin boards all pure speculation: the Scheduler will take Yi-Kyung with him, the 3 teardrops are from Han Kang, Song Yi-Kyung, and See-Yu, Ji-Hyun wakes to revenge on Min-Ho, Han Kang dies in plane crash
. etc.
This situation is caused by the revelation of a reversal ending in that SBS Late Night show.
Production unit indicates: Ji-Hyun is finally revived in 49 Days, but whether she remembers anything that happened during the 49 days and whether the Scheduler can see Yi-Kyung again, etc. all these will be revealed in the rest of the drama. Please continue to support us.
On the other hand, the drama that will follow 49 Days with its unique subject and popular following is City Hunter, starring Lee Min-Ho, Park Min-Young, Lee Jun-Hyuk, Kim Sang-Joong. --------------------------------------------------------------------
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