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จากเว็บ Save Yupi
Yupi is a female polar bear who was brought to the Morelia Zoo in Mexico in 1992 at the age of 3 months.Polar bears are the widest ranging terrestrial mammal species on earth, so they need extremely large spaces, considerably larger than any urban zoo can provide.
In a 2003 paper entitled Captivity effects on wide-ranging carnivores, published in the prestigious science journal Nature, Oxford University researchers Ros Clubb and Georgia Mason indicate that wide-ranging carnivores "show the most evidence of stress and/or psychological dysfunction in captivity."
They say that husbandry of wide-ranging animals needs to be substantially improved, including the provision of extra space; "a polar bear's typical enclosure size
is about one-millionth of its minimum home-range size."
Polar bears are complex, intelligent animals that require a great deal of stimulation.
Polar bears should not be kept on hard surfaces.
Sitting, lying or standing for long periods of time is abnormal and an indication that animal-environment interaction is suppressed.
The lack of space and barren conditions have caused boredom, frustration and deprivation.
Yupi is inactive approximately 75% of the time, while she is in the on-display area.
Along with whales and elephants, polar bears are the most controversial animals in the zoo world. Animal welfare advocates across the globe are working toward an end to the keeping of polar bears in zoos as their biological and behavioural needs cannot be met.
The polar bear is probably the most difficult animal to confine in a zoo enclosure without showing abnormal behaviour.
All captive animals must be provided with space appropriate to their needs. A good rule to follow is the bigger the better. There is no upper limit. It is far better for an animal to have more space than it needs, than for it to need more space and not have it.
ที่มา http://www.saveyupi.com/yupi-s-story
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23 พ.ค. 54 00:45:58