Excuse,me all f/c I belive all off you have yours own opinion of
yours ideas. am not blem you fllows by #28 did you knows he's
mix mom/dad from 2 difrent countries I understand him then am
be pleased of him all the mix pepoles like that's very heard to said
thai's a vowel this is come with the way theire own borned
notthing you can't changs. myslef he born like this and talk like
that's better than me. am sppek thai's to mom speak English
American with dad. that's why. I hope after my comments you
will be understoods talk about the actress mixes like this mies
opinion he speekes better than all els actress mixes in thai's. Can
you go back to wached his oldes drama names (lookmaiglaitoun)
from that's to right now he do a goods jobs and working hard for
the thing he does.Yes I well did the same like all f/c going to do
pray to Almighty God. be happy be healthy then take care to
God bress you all. again thx
แก้ไขเมื่อ 25 พ.ค. 54 09:32:36
แก้ไขเมื่อ 25 พ.ค. 54 06:01:06
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25 พ.ค. 54 05:54:38