[NEWS] [110527] 2AM Seulong, Jo Kwon - Interpretion of Love. 2AM, a 4 member ballad group, is one of the rising stars in Korea. The 4 members : Chang Min, Seul Ong, Jo Kwon and Jin Woon participated a program named Hot Blood back in early 2008, (T/N: Actually Chang Min didnt participate in "Hot Blood" because he was in army back then), were chosen from 13 people to form the present 2AM, and packaged as a multi-talented all-rounded group. Singing, acting, dancing are all their fortes. Being distinctively recognized as one of the hottest ballad idol group in the Korean entertainment industry, the 4 members gain more mutual understanding among themselves as they collaborate together. The following interview is divided into 2 groups/parts, and ShinChew Daily only managed to interview Seul Ong and Jo Kwon. When 2AM, who were seperated by a wall, was asked who is the most narcissistic member in 2AM, J o Kwon and Seul Ong became dorky immediately and their eyes are set on Chang Min and Jin Woon who were in the adjacent room. They said that the both of them are narcissists. Then, Seul Ong joked and said :Just kidding! As the leader, Jo Kwon supported Seul Ongs statement and said : We arent narcissists at all!! This is because 2AM is too busy, and dont even have the time for narcissism! ===Good points. Bad Points Although Jo Kwon is the shortest member among 2AM, he does work with responsibility and strong motivation, which are the points that Seul Ong admires and respects a lot. To him, Jo Kwon is someone who is 100% perfect with no flaws, and Jo Kwon admires Seul Ongs enthusiasm towards the entertainment industry. Jo Kwon explained : He is always enthusiastic in everything he does, and very meticulous. He does everything with optismism and hes just like the charismatic celebrity, Cha Seung-won that Korean females like! So whats Seul Ongs bad points in Jo Kwons view? He immediately laughed and said that they were at the pool in the hotel playing when Seul Ong slipped and injured his toes and said, He really likes to joke around a lot, and sometimes he tends to go overboard when he plays which usually will cause this kind of physical damage (referring to the slip). Seul Ong who was behind him, was looking rather chastised and it seems that he does agree with what the leader has said! ==Choosing roles according to age. Jo Kwon and Seul Ong acted in the sitcom All My Love and movie Acoustic respectively. When asked to comment on each others acting skills, Jo Kwon mentioned casually that : Actually there is still a lot of room for improvement when it comes to our acting skills, so before we act for a production, well work hard and prepare thoroughly, in order to provide surprises for all fans! Jo Kwon also revealed that Seul Ong has recently taken on a new show, and he will continue to film the 200-episode long All My Love to continue to showcase his humourous side. Although they have insufficient acting experience, but the both of them have roles which they want to challenge. Seul Ong wants to be casted in a more manly role. Actually I like action-packed movies a lot, and I always wanted to try acting as a bodyguard or a fighter. And of course, I would like to try roles of different aspects if theres a chance." On the other hand, Jo Kwon prefers to try different roles according to his age. Now that Im still very young, I would like to try acting the roles that suits my current age, and wait till when Im older, then Ill try acting roles belonging to the age group." It seems like he doesnt want a vast leap between what he is in reality and the age of character in his role. 2AM first debuted in 2008, and their popularity continues to rise gradually year by year. They look up to their seniors and stepped out of Korea to 'invade' other Asian markets. Speaking on whats the most joyous thing since debut, Seul Ong said it can be divided into 4 stages. The first one is when we just debuted, then its acheiving #1 on music charts, and then its the first time opening a concert, and lastly its acheiving music awards. These are all the things that were most happy about!. And so when does 2AM, who often create and bring laughter to everyone in the TV, feel disappointed? Jo Kwon expressed that at times when some pre-planned matters like release of album or performances have to be cancelled or postponed due to unforeseen circumstances, will all cause 2AM to be very disappointed. However, if theyre unable to excecute as panned, they will also make full use of the time to do preparation and would not let it to be wasted. ==Future Goal Every celebrity has a behind-the-story process to reveal on becoming part of the entertainment industry, and 2AM was formed because of their pariticipation in Hot Blood. Jo Kwon said frankly that even if he isnt a member of 2AM, he would still venture into the entertainment industry. Ive never thought of myself doing jobs in other industries, I wanted to venture into the entertainment industry wholeheartedly all along. On the other hand, Seul Ong is interested in fashion trends, and said that if he isnt a singer, he would like to be a fashion designer or a traveller. Ive always been interested in all these since young! In private, Chang Min would often seek advice from him regarding matching clothes, and also asking for his opinion. Seul Ong is almost like Chang Mins personal fashion stylist. Because theyre idol groups, the mangement company will try all means to shield questions on relationship and this interview isnt an exception. Two questions related to love and relationship were rejected. But when asked about whats their interpretation of love, theyre very willing to answer. Seul Ong said : As long as Im with the woman I like, no matter where Im, the romantic feeling lingers!. As for Jo Kwon, his definition of romance is doing something for someone with sincerity and whole-heartedly. <<<< *** It looks like 2AMs sincerity and wholeheartedness for fans, is when they show their romantic side! What are 2AM's future goals then? Jo Kwon ssid : We have already acheived our goal of achieving a big award (Daesung) in music, also also completed our primary goal as a singer. In the future, we would like to become Koreas national group, and also become the distinctive group for Hallyu around the world! We believed that with 2AMs effort, they would achieve their goals very quickly! SOURCE: Sinchew Entertainment (http://ent.sinchew-i.com/node/26743) TRANSLATION by ohthatlove@IAM for 2AM - 2AM International Forum (www.iamfor2am.com)
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