Edward1849's Recommended Top 20 Songs Of 2011
by: edward1849 on Dec 28, 2011
Hi everyone, I am back once again to countdown my personal top 20 K-pop songs of 2011. Previously this segment was called “Staff Recommended Top 20 K-pop Songs." Since we have a lot more staff members now and this only represents my choices, I am renaming this annual segment to “Edward1849’s Recommended Top 20 K-pop Songs.”
For those of you who are familiar with this countdown, I post backward from No. 20 to No. 1 to literally fulfill the countdown status and to increase suspense when you read on. For song selections, I usually go for my favorite ballad and rock genres but you will find a mixture of different genres throughout the countdown.
I feel that 2011 is a bit of an improvement from 2010 in terms of song quality. I had considered over 40 songs for this list before narrowing it down to 20. Still, it pales when compared to a few years ago. There are too many singers now, which mean a lot more songs to listen to. Even though my top 20 is not based on a song’s popularity, I have less time than before to listen to each song carefully before forming an opinion. While I probably missed some great songs, I am still quite satisfied on the 20 that I have selected for this year.
As usual, there will be a lot of songs on my list that you probably have not listened to. Some of those had appeared as the featured bonus track on the weekly music chart post. My goal is to introduce some of these underrated songs to you. You may not see a lot of idol singers on my list, but as the countdown moves closer to the top, more familiar names will appear. Let’s begin!
cr: soompi