Feb issue of CeCi on GHS:
GHS on the Cover: Because she is GHS, her values are?
She is spending her 20s beautifully and passionately. I have let go (emptied) little by little on my own and now I am a bit more comfortable as a person. In a lighter body, she has transformed into a pilot and she is again taking flight. As a 29 yo, what are her rules for existing/living?
I (the interviewer) felt unclear about GHS. She is a representative ulzzang with her white skin and big eyes. When I wondered about her acting, she confirmed her presence through Jandi in BOF and she even made her own movies. She also wrote a book and came out with her musical CD. She appeared in THEMU and now in PCAP. Her acting work has been consistent. She made people react at her with What! and also with many various comment about her. Even so, she remains energetic and diligent. To do what she does, one needs 30 hours in a day and 10 days in a week. What is her source of strength? That was my curiosity about GHS before interviewing her. She looks so frail yet her energy and strength abounds. Where does she get it?
You seem like a person who has a lot to say and lot to show. What is it that you ultimately want to say?
That also changes every year. Up until not too long ago, I liked stories that are vague and reckless. These days, I like stories with warmth. I feel that whether I am acting or making movies, I want to be able to add to empowering peoples lives. If I see a movie that makes me feel bad, I feel bad all day. But if I see a movie about a mother, I feel like I want to be good to my mother.
Were there any recent movies that moved you?
Also, my movie that will soon open is also a warm story.
It seems like you came up with all your creative work with your desire to communicate with others.
Even at the time when I wrote the novel, I think I wanted that. When someone would tell me that s/he read my novel, I felt as if I met a friend. I also felt sort of exposed. But then, there came a time when I felt as if I am the only one who talked. I kept on searching for more from others. I wanted others to keep on reading my book and keep on watching my movies. My greed intensified and finally I asked myself, why am I doing this? I started to accept that I should not expect more from others. Previously, I did not feel satisfied with myself. Even so, I felt as if I was trying to live by fulfilling other peoples standards. Now, I want to live little more for myself and I want to be patient for my sake. These days, I have been thinking that I would like to do what I want to do and spend more time with people who like me for who I am. But I know that not all people look at what I do. People choose what they want to look. I cannot make people do anything. Peoples tastes differ. So, I am thinking that I do not really need to be worked up by other peoples negative opinions of me.
You seem happier. And you seem to have become stronger/firmer. Are there occasions where you may ?dig for underground tunnel? (maybe the interviewer is asking whether she may get depressed and want to hide??)
Now, I dont have feelings of slump about work. Previously, I used to get stirred and hurt by what others say. Now, I think that if I only think of myself as a some great person, I would get hurt by others comments. It is all because I thought of myself as extremely special person
But, in reality, not one person has as much concern for my welfare as I would for myself.
Being a celebrity means always struggling with the publics judgments.
And, nothing I can do can change that. I am sure that I also have prejudice/bias against some certain people. But, it has been my experience that I cannot always change such judgments just because I do my best. It is the person with the bias who must change not the other way around. If the person is a good and yet I have bias against that person, even if that person does something good, I may still look at that person as just pretending to be good. It is sort of similar to that. I dont think that it is something that I can do anything about. It is impossible for everyone to like me. Even if things do change, it takes a really long time.
Ad planner: Lee MiHyun; Interview: Kim SooJung; Photo: Park JungMin; Stylist: Ji SangEun (the same who followed GHS to Taiwan for AD drama and who lend GHS her puppy for a shoot for another magazin and one who got lots of criticism for GHSs dress and hair style all along: GHS has commitment to people and I think Ji did a great job.); Make-up: Lee DeuEll; Hair: Gwon Yong Eun. (This interview has a tone of similarity to several interviews that GHS gave after BOF ended. She was writing that novel during the making of BOF. I have said it before and I am saying it again: She is in constant self- analysis and development. She is a down to earth realist with a positive outlook. Something about GHSs life principles~~ she puts things in perspective, kick you in the butt to get a move on and not spend time on things you cannot change and she puts peace and ironing where there are lots of emotional wrinkles.
Were there any recent movies that moved you?
Rather than a movie, I was very moved when I read the script for PCAP. I cried a lot reading it. I did not feel sad. I felt warm inside. Also, my movie that is about to open soon is a warm story.
Cr: Cheerkoo@GHS Therad-Soompi
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