Initially when we realize that Soshi was coming only at night, we wanted to give up and not go to the airport, but when we saw the pictures of at the Seoul airport Seobb surfacing, we made a sudden decision to go to the airport. It was 5 plus, me, ahXi and ahCo went over to the airport. There were only a few of us, because it was too cold, so I suggested to go back to the car and wait for more news... I was wearing a skirt, just like Seobb, after waiting in the car for a while, the fans who were going to the arrival hall started piling. We saw Seobb's fan LED board, which was really big, everyone was squeezing and we managed to snatched the front position, then wait..
After waiting for four hours, the flight got delayed from 10.30pm till 11pm. Information said that they were coming out from the B exit, a few moments later the news was changed to the A exit and then to B exit again, we were running to and fro, luckily we are familiar with the airport,and could just walk around blindfolded... at last Soshi took the advice from security and decided to use the VIP exit, by the time we ran over to the exit there was already fans there, we couldn't even get in front. We could only see their back view. I can only say that it was a disappointing experience, these few days Hong Kong has been cold and raining, the sea wind was blowing and it was really cold, so freezing that we are feeling numb, and I caught a cold. Bringing the disappointment home. Concert After I got back from the airport, I went home and slept all the way till afternoon. When I got up I was down with a flu. Switching on my computer for some updates of news and out for lunch, and came home after that to have another nap. At around 4pm, I searched through the fridge, grabbed a packet of titbits and went out. Traffic was bad through the way and when I reach the stadium it was close to 6pm already, all the merchandises were almost sold out, a Yoona's fan came up and gave me a Seobb's fanmade towel. I walked around the march area and suddenly the security and Sones started quarreling. While queuing we were eating the food in our bags, my balloon burst, I am so angry. I am 163cm tall, plus I was wearing heels 7, standing so tall my balloon still got burst, I'm really speechless.
There are really too many male Sones, its almost the same scene as CNBlue's female fans, and the area which I was standing could reach straight out to the stage, but the stage was rather tall this time round, the shorter Sones are almost the height of the stage, lucky I was quite tall. The fans around me are all male Sones, and there were a few gogumas behind me, and at the opposite Pit B there were also gogumas. But there are more gogumas at the stairs, Seohyun's LED were big and bright. Since it was not starting yet we started chatting around, there's one samchoon fan next to me, when he saw I was carrying so many things he offered to help me hold the Goguma fan-towel while I hold my own fanboard. When he saw the board he started laughing, I used Cantonese to explain one whole chunk on details of the board, after I finished speaking he then told me that he didn't understand Cantonese, he just in Hong Kong from Shanghai, I almost fainted. After that I used simple Mandarin to explain to him, that this board was made out of spite on the journey here. The process, my hands were busy, I was holding the light stick on one hand, the other hand holding the board, I could only raise it up to my neck because I scared I blocked people behind. The board First time, Tiffany saw it, when the concert started, she turned to my direction and smiled. The second time it was Jessica, when she saw it, she covered her mouth and smile too, and when Seobb turned over, she waved and smiled shyly. Jessica seem to whispered something to Seobb and Seobb was smiling as she walked. Finally when things were about to end, Hyoyeon saw it, and she became excited, Hyoyeon pulled Seobb over to our area, Seobb was smiling and she used her thumb to point to herself, at that time the male Sones around me was saying that Seobb was implying that YongHwa is her's, at that moment I burst out laughing. After Seobb finish pointing to herself, Hyoyeon gave her a pat on her back, Seobb became shy again, and with the shy look she walked away, I'm thinking about her reaction, does that really imply that YongHwa is her's???? Hyoyeon kept bullying Seobb throughout the night, not wanting to do the heart shape with her, and at the end when Soshi was walking individually to the main stage, and she turn and showed us a heart shape, wa wa wa, the people who were behind me were jealous, the sad case is that whenever Seobb was looking at us we did not manage to capture any pictures, we were busy holding the boards that all the pictures we captured were all back views... when they were interacting with everyone, all we saw was probably just back views, looking up, I'm sorta jealous of the fans who were sit on the stairs, the pictures they are taking would really be really pretty. From our angle the pictures were not really nice, I'm so envious of them. This is the first time I saw Soshi in person, really very excited, although I was not feeling well, after Jessica's solo I realize that I was already running a fever, my whole body felt feverish, even the guys who were behind got shocked, hehe, I said that it was because I went to fetch them from the airport and I caught a cold, it's okay, the rest of the show I finished it with a giddy head, the happy things is about the reactions Seobb gave us, there wasn't much of a regret.
Sending off We did not manage to receive them, but we did sent them off. With a throbbing headache I made way to the airport, although there were already fans there. Important point: Seobb wore a white cap and dressed in black she was the limelight, seems like it was already too warm, she took off her cap. When she was closer to me, at around 2m distance I started shouting "Jung YongHwa" "Yo~ng Oppa", and AhXi also added a sentence "He's your man!" haha, Seohyun turned and smiled at us shyly, AhXi has been my friend for almost 6years, our level of chemistry is remarkable, the fans who were opposite us were smiling too. One of the crew was also laughing. I'm very sure very very sure that they are together, after these two days it further affirmed my thinking, thank you Seohyun for your reactions, it was the best new year present. 3 concerts, really thank you two for all the fan service you gave us.
I shall stop writing here, if there are any wrong words in this fan-acct please ignore it, I'm hungry and let me go eat..
PS: this month is especially blissful for the Gogumas, everyone should have the same feelings, right? three concert, three full days of touching events, first time seeing them in person, thank you for all the fanservice, and all the effort you are putting in we can witness.. in the future days, let's not forget how we started, we shall walk on together, YongSeo FOREVER~
Cr : Fan Account from Baidu Cr Translation : @_seoblues and @shazza83L
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17 ม.ค. 55 09:07:41