...นำบทสัมภาษณ์ ตอนเรื่อง My Girlfriend is a gumiho มาฝากคะ เจอมา...
...[Trans]..No MIn Woo's Interview on Newsen 17.9.2011...
No Min Woo plays Park Dong Joo in the SBS drama My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox but is often referred to as Teacher Dong Joo, mainly by the dramas main character Gu Mi Ho (Shin Min Ah).
In the interview, No Min Woo seemed to have a cold. After three days of shooting all night starting at 6pm, he told the interviewer, time goes exceptionally fast. It feels like we began shooting yesterday and all of the sudden the broadcast is ending for that night. You lose track. This is an occasion for all actors.
Girlfriend has created a wide variety of talk. When viewers see rain in sunny weather, they immediately think Ah, Mi Ho and wonder about how expensive the soda Mi Ho loves ends up being. Whenever the characters even eat, viewers go ahhh, delicious. However, King of Baking, Kim Tak Gu viewers still hold around 10% of the audience. Its a lie if you dont desire ratings, says No Min woo. but the Gumiho ratings are good. So its a nice atmosphere.
Dramatic from the beginning, the audience has many different opinions on Park Dong Joo. Seem mysterious rather than be driven by a motive, maybe thats what I wanted to do. Also, vegetarians dont always only have contact with people who only eat meat. I like people going what is he doing with her? I liked that aspect. Maybe next week, we will emerge stronger.
Dong Joo will have to face with Mi Ho what he faced with Gil Dal soon. Just like Mi Ho, Gil Dal wanted to be a human and was betrayed by a different killer, a man. Dong Joo couldnt help but love Gil Dal and now has guilt in his heart.
Dong Joos attitude is different with Mi Ho because this time he cant let the past repeat itself. At first, I was like the owner watching the game from afar. But gradually began to worry about Mi Ho. In addition, it turned out that Mi Ho was a part of Gil Dal. I dont want Mi Ho to meet the same pain.
No Min Woo had to dig deeply to find the lonely and pulled feelings of Dong Joo. Even one month of not seeing anybody close was enough to find that. Pasta didnt have feelings like this.
Looking back at the nature, body, tone and everything changed after Pasta. I was even 7kg lighter. Pasta was about a man who had grown up rich. During the break, I took a bit of a downgrade from life. Above all, I just wanted to clear and keep my mind clear. Dong Joo is a character I have never met. So I learned to make faces, keep sharp angles, etc. I also stood a bit more upright. Just like older characters would. I already wonder what character I will be taking on next.
Shin Min Ah and No Min Woo and the rest of the cast will often refer to each other as their characters name on the set. Through tone, No Min Woo was able to become Park Dong Joo. I would have to really open my eyes on a sad day and learn to portray emotion in a tense or very concentrated sense. Its really surprising because Ill have dreams about being in the drama. The first time I read the script, I got goosebumps. The last 13~16 episodes are important. I dont want to leave the cast.
No Min Woo, Mi Ho, and Cha Dae Woong (Lee Seung Gi) are expressing love in many different ways in My Girlfriend is a Gumiho. Focusing on a love triangle is a thrill. In the end, nobody knows what will happen. Have questions and keep watching, you wont be disappointed.
Dong Joo will eventually meet death has been a lot of the predictions. Since playing the role of Dong Joo, I had less mood swings. I even react more calmly in every day life. If Mi Ho is happy, then it doesnt matter how Dong Joo is.
My Girlfriend is a Gumiho is a 16 episode series.
Link : http://forminwoo.wordpress.com/
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