CAFE소식2월 16일날 정지훈 조교님은 9박 10일 휴가를 가셨다고 하구요ㅠㅠㅠ
- Rain has gone on leave for 10 days 9 nights since February 16th. -
Im proud of Rain acquitting himself of his duty as a teaching assistant even though he could find a way to make his military life a lot more convenient as a celebrity.
Therefore, even though I am not a huge Rain fan, he looks awesome.
I heard about Rain when I attended the military commencement of my younger brother last February 16th. So Im trying to tell you guys about what Rain is up to these days as you want to know more about his military life.
It is said Rain has gone on leave for 10 days 9 nights since February 16th.
According to my brother, Rain gave nice gloves to both the higher executives belonging to the 12th Company and the soldiers in his (Rains) platoon as gifts. So, it is said Rain is the envy of his other soldier mates.
More than 1,000 letters smoothly reach Rain a day, hes lately been much seen in the unit, and he does the agreeable to everybody.
Many celebrities such as Yunho Yuno, etc. whose visiting Rain is a credit to his brilliant network.
When his fans gave him boxes of chocolates on Valentines Day, Rain shared them with all of his mates and they were all happy.
The above is the gist of the information about Rain.
Source : Blog Key (열쇠 카페)
pic :Credit as tagged
Re-post by huda
English translation by 화니