ขอรวมบทสัมภาษณ์ไว้ที่เดียวเลยนะคะ จะได้ประหยัด คห. (เพื่อ?)
How Teen Top's 6 members were chosen
Ju Younghoon: Did you all become a part of Teen Top through auditions?
C.A.P: Yes
Ju Younghoon: What's the order in which you came in? Who was first?
Ricky: I was; I came first.
Changjo: Then it was me.
Ju Younghoon: Was it very difficult during your trainee days? The training years these days are so long and there are so many talented people.
Chunji: In our case, there was a long period of training on our own. There were also a lot of members who were dropped after evaluations. There would be an evaluation, and there would be one member who wouldn't be able to continue with us. And at the end, after the final decision, the six that were left were us.
Lee Byunghun and Park Jinyoung
Ju Younghoon: L.Joe, your real name is "Lee Byunghun." Has there been any misunderstandings or funny stories because of that?
L.Joe: I come up as a related search if you type in "Lee Byunghun," so I think it serves as publicity.
Niel: There was one funny incident. L.Joe came to our company to audition be a part of Teen Top, but the person who came with him was named "Park Jinyoung." So, Lee Byunghun and Park Jinyoung came to audition. We were watching the audition and we were laughing like crazy (because of the names).
Accident-prone, Butterfingers Ricky
Ju Younghoon: Kim Eunhee asked, "Who is the most playful amongst the Teen Top members?"
Changjo: Uh...Ricky?
Ju Younghoon: Ricky?
Niel: Yeah...He's really mischievous and he causes a lot of accidents too.
Ju Younghoon: What kind of accidents?
Niel: He always causes accidents when he tries to help us. He spills water, breaks the cups, drops the food...
Ju Younghoon: There are just some people who end up breaking everything even if they just slightly brushed by it.
Ricky: I just meant to help! During dinner, I want to pour the water, but I...miss the cup...
The Fart Bomb in Teen Top
Ju Younghoon: Lee Soonyoung asked, "Which member has the worst sleeping habits?"
Chunji: Ah, there's one now!
Ju Younghoon: Who?
Chunji: Someone keeps farting.
Ricky: It's REALLY horrible
(Everyone looks at C.A.P)
Ju Younghoon: Are you having difficulties these days?
C.A.P: I uh hahaha uh hahaha yeah uh
Playing tag in the dorms
Ju Younghoon: Im Dajung asked, "Which company rule is the most difficult to follow?"
Changjo: At night, they tell me to keep the noise level down.
Ricky: Ah me too, me too, me too!
Changjo: That's kind of hard for us.
Chunji: Even if we talk a little, our company calls us and tells us to be quiet.
Ju Younghoon: It's probably out of respect for the neighbors.
Niel: But it's not like we talk a little, we're really loud. We play hide-and-seek and tag.
Ju Younghoon: Hide-and-seek and tag?! In the dorms?!
Niel: Yeah, and sometimes we play blind tag, too.
Chunji: And the losers have to buy drinks and snacks the next day.
trans. cr; bosung@tumblr