From a fans report on #NashCon: Jareds currently been reading a book on hypnobirthing. He said We want to have natural childbirth like Gens mom and Vicki (Mishas wife)-well, Gen does, Ill take the epidural. He referenced a midwife and a doula, and then, saying that Gen will kill him for telling this story, said how he came home the other day and was horrified to find her on her hands and knees cleaning dog hair off the bathroom floor with Oxyclean and paper towels, indulging her nesting instinct. He horrifiedly asked, Honey what are you doing? saying he would have done it himself or paid someone to get it done.
ที่มา : saltgunner-.tumblr
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กุ้ง_ดีนเกิร์ล (buafah555)
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8 ก.พ. 55 11:54:32