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Vogue Girl March Issue Part 1
V.G.: Hows the photoshoot? C.A.P and Ricky, I heard it was the first time you shot together. The staff were satisfied because it seemed like you wouldnt match but actually matched well. C.A.P: We were facing each other and we couldnt stop laughing, so we got in trouble. Ricky: C.A.P likes me too much. (V.G.: Chunji and Niel didnt look so close and friendly when they were shooting
) Niel: We were kind of like that, right? Chunji, Im sorry. I wont hit you anymore. Chunji: Were awkward when shooting, but were close on a daily basis. All 6 of us are close.
V.G.: Its your first meeting with Vogue Girl. Why do you each tell us about each of your personalities? Changjo: Ricky is cute, but he actually has a manly side to him. Hes someone who can show you many different sides, he is a very well-rounded kid. This friend will become big. Ricky: Th-thank you (high five). Youll become big too, Changjo! Changjo is really great at dancing. There are still some people who dont know that. If you really watch him, youll all fall for him. Changjo: Niel just talks and talks, thats his charm. And not to mention his plump lips and bright eyes. Niel: L.Joe is someone youll fall for more and more each time you see him. He only has one expression
(C.A.P, Chunji, Ricky, Changjo: Theyre all the same!) Hes very mysterious and he draws people to him. L.Joe: Chunji is pretty, but his shoulders are manly. Just the width of his shoulders is 60cm (laughter)? Maybe because hes Type B, but he is very manly and he knows exactly what girls like. Thats why hes very popular among the fans. And his smiling face when he sings
Ah, pretty. (Everyone: Oh my god!) Hes really pretty. You guys dont think hes pretty? Chunji: C.A.P leads us very well. When were practicing and an argument seems to be brewing, he appears out of nowhere and stops it. When we say were hungry, he gets us food. But the best thing is, his low voice. When he catches a cold, his voice gets even lower.
V.G.: Youre in the middle of promoting Brave Brothers Crazy. What is this songs one point? Niel: With our song and choreography, everything is a point. There is really nothing you can leave out. But if you really wanted to pick one point, I think the Self-Camera Dance is the one thing in the choreography. Its the part in the chorus where we roll our hips and then make a V sign.
V.G.: Its a dance song, but the lyrics are sorrowful. You wouldnt have had many experiences with relationships, so was it hard to express your feelings? Changjo: These werent lyrics that were hard to understand. Chunji: We thought of emotions we felt through indirect experiences such as movies, dramas, books, etc. L.Joe: Hm hm we really like reading. Ricky: Its true, we fight over books. V.G.: Sure. I dont believe you. What book did you fight over? Ricky: Uh, uh
Talmud? Everyone: Puahahaha
V.G.: Now that I think about it, Chunji was on Hidden Track Romance where he dated a girl. Chunji: Mm, it was different from what I expected. Since we werent dating because we actually liked each other and because it was for broadcast, it was uncomfortable. I feel sorry towards that girl and even sorrier towards the fans.
V.G.: In your new mini, there is a song called TEEN TOP and one of its lyrics says, Dont expect the same thing/ Dont compare us/ Whod be higher than us?/ Were the best, so what? Whats one thing that you believe that you guys are better at than everyone else? Changjo: Our pose and overflowing charisma on stage. Were very playful in our daily lives, but on stage, were the predators. Ricky: Roar! V.G.: Where does that image come from? Is it from your self-confidence? Niel: On stage, the thought of I am the best. On stage, were the best!
V.G.: Choreo-dol, Handcuff-dol, Defiance-dol, Younger men-dol, Trend-dol, Vacation-dol, Growth spurt-dol, you guys have a lot of nicknames. Of them all, which one do you like the best? L.Joe: Definitely Choreo-dol and the phrase Knife-like Choreography V.G.: All 6 of you really match movements well. I heard that you guys practiced for 9-12 hours a day during your trainee days to perfect your knife-like choreography. What about now? Niel: Since were in the middle of promotions, about 1-2 hours a day? Changjo: We also do individual practice for 2-3 hours.
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18 ก.พ. 55 11:53:14