B.A.P│My name is Youngjae My name is Youngjae.
January 24th,1994 is when I was born. I have a older brother who is 7 years older than I am so at the moment, he’s 27 years old. Our personalities are almost similar.
I went out to a school talent show and sang SGWannabe sunbae-nim’s song. At that time, I saw that the sunbae’s liked when i sang and that’s how I began thinking about becoming a singer. Of course, it’s not as if I didn’t have any popularity before that but when I came down from the stage….. I was a star. Haha. Daehyun ah, You don’t know what that’s like, right?
When I first entered the company, Yonggukie hyung was promoting ‘Are you crazy?’ with Song Jieun sunbae-nim. But to be honest, Song Jieun sunbae-nim was the only one that came into my eyes and I thought ‘That person is scary’ when I saw Yonggukie hyung. Heu Heu. In reality, it was hard to approach Yonggukie hyung at first. It took a long while to get close to him.
Yonggukie hyung is the type that if he doesn’t interest you, he doesn’t really care about you. He also didn’t care much about me… HaHaHa. (Yongguk: No, I did have an interest, I just didn’t know how to express myself so that probably why you felt that way.) Honestly, at the time, Yonggukkie hyung was only interested in making music. To the point where he just stayed in the music room in the dorms. And sl:-) he became closer to the members and that’s when he came out to the living room more.
When I first made my signature, I asked all of my members but they were too busy with their own so they didn’t give me much feedback about it. So I thought about it on my own and fixed it and I did finish it but I think it is still lacking a lot. Ha…. When the fans ask me to give them a signature, I’m kind of sorry to give them one. It feels a bit empty?
After putting on heavy eye makeup, I discovered a know how on how to erase it. It is split into three steps. First you wash your face with oil then you erase it with a cleansing cloth. After that, you use eye remover to erase it again then you put a cotton swab between your eyes and close them. Then if you rub it like this~ like this~ the black of the eye liners comes off easily.
There are times when I argue with Daehyunnie about what to eat as a meal. If I say I want to eat Korean food but Daehyunnie says he wants to eat Chinese food, we ask the maknae’s Zelo and Jongup and the majority wins.
The person that pulls of the ‘Warrior’ concept the best is Zelo. Honestly he could not fit it the most since he’s the cute maknae but I think he pulls off the demon inside the warrior image well.
In order to take over outer space, you must first figure out what aliens like. I would think Jonguppie is probably the most popular to them. Because he is the most alien like. HeHe.
Original source: http://10.asiae.co.kr/Articles/new_view.htm?sec=people6&a_id=2012030617295784461
(ノ^▽^)ノ♪ - If taking out, remember to credit to gomdorii @ tumblr- ㅋㅋ
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