[EDITED Translation] EMK/Theatro treating Junsu/JYJ’s fans as pushovers & Twitter incidents
Note: -No infringement of copyright intended. -Please DO NOT post and/or modify my translation on any TVXQ5, TVXQ2, COUPLE SHIPPER, ACGAE, ONLY-ONE-MEMBER and/or SASENG SUPPORTING sites. -Have a nice day! :)
Credit: DC TVXQ Hogoogle, @ dancerMooN79, @ kimdw1610,
Translated and written by @dlwpdldhkdlwp
►Acts of Brutality by EMK 1. Excluded JUNSU from ‘Elisabeth’live OST album - What official of EMK said: We did not put him because the O.S.T. is NOT intended for ONLY JUNSU's FANS.
2. EMK erased the logo and background of Kim Junsu’s pictures taken by fans during curtain calls and sold to Japanese fans at ¥ 800 (800 Yen/ USD10) per picture.
3. EMK put a notice that they will take legal actions if anyone records or takes pictures during curtain calls and upload them online due to the copyrights from the Vienna Institute. Then, they sold pictures of Kim Junsu during the show and sold to Japanese fans. Then, they said they did not do it because it is against copyrights.
4. EMK only posted pictures of other Tods at their website “The day to see performance.” After fans complained, they finally posted Junsu’s picture.
5. Excluded shows with Kim Junsu from discounts - During 2 weeks when Kim Junsu went to South America for JYJ South America Tour, EMK applieddiscounts for students. - They do matinee discount for performances for morning shows on weekdays. But, they put all Kim Junsu’s shows at night time on weekdays (Wednesday) and weekends.
6. They excluded Kim Junsu from interview video clips of all actors, which are played at the lobby of Blue Square (The theater for ‘Elisabeth’)
7. After they said their costumes of Elisabeth have copyrights and cannot show them closely, they held a fan signing event with all actors EXCEPT Kim Junsu.
(by DC TVXQ Hogoogle http://gall.dcinside.com/list.php?id=dongbang&no=2438743&page=1&recommend=1&recommend=1&bbs;= )
►After fans complained/asked about why Junsu is excluded from Elisabeth's live OST album that has all other actors to EMK, two actors from 'Elisabeth' tweeted.
-His role in Elisabeth: one of Angels of Death who follow Tod -His tweets: “There must be a reason. It is a play that the actor, whom you guys love, loves with his soul and body. Don’t ruin the image of the musical. I feel bitter. Sigh...” “Something that boils quickly will get cold quickly.! Is this the power of Twitter? How delusional….”
►Whend did fans have ruined the image of the musical?
Junsu/JYJ's fans are known to have the best behaviours and etiquettes during the musicals. Even other musical actors and fans of other actors praised how they can concentrate better to act or to watch the musical shows of Junsu because Junsu/JYJ's fans behave very well.
Don't fans have rights to complain as audience who sold out all the seats, even the seats that you can only see part of stage, for every Junsu's shows?
►After few hours…
@dancerMooN79 deleted his tweets ,translated above, and teweeted this again
“Thank you for people who understood and to people who received bad mentions from the morning. I apologize.Don’t fuss too much about it. This is because I lack my virtue. I am sorry. Bow. Have a nice day ^^ "
►In reality, who is the one that "boils quickly and gets cold quickly": fans who are loving Junsu/JYJ for many years or someone who deletes his tweets and apologizes in few hours?
►@ kimdw1610 -His role in Elisabeth: Ensemble -His tweet: “Think carefully… you chaps… Don’t just call EM’Kae’…
-‘Kae’ means ‘dog’ in Korean. Many fans of musicals (who are not even Junsu’s fans) called EMK as EM’Kae’ for a long time due to EMK’s misbehaviours.
After few hours he apologized saying because he did not write the 'subject' he ended up attacking wrong people. I hope he really just wrote the tweet in wrong time.
Following are his tweets:
"Because my heart is shaking while I was reading twitter after I arrived at the theater TT My last tweet had many points that made people to misunderstand. First, to people who got hurt... to people who got upset... I sincerely apologize to you. When I was drinking coffee with my acquaintance after the show, acquaintance said.."
I omitted one of his tweets because he has deleted it. But, it was saying a staff of another musical production company said EMK brought a cheap musical and using old actors. And EMK is trying to earn money using Kim Junsu.
"I said to certain group of people because I was sad TT Other unintended people got hurt. I did not intend this. I did not mean it either... I sincerely apologize."
"I am sorry that I cannot directly apologize to each person who got hurt because of me..."
"Yes... I deleted it. I have done stupid things today...I would like to apologize. Have a nice weekends..."
►Please Do NOT ATTACK kimdw1610 or dancerMooN79!!!!!
►Please DO NOT BUY the 'Elisabeth' live OST album!!!!!! JUNSU is NOT INCLUDED in this album!!!!!!
............................ เอามาจาก >> http://www.twitlonger.คอม/show/gfgien
คำแปลไทยค่ะ >>http://junxiahhappinez.tumblr.คอม/post/19440471342/gossip-7-emk
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