Seulong makes my eyes very happy too, Gil. In fact it was his appearance in DJ Clazzi’s “How We Feel” that spurred me to look more into the other members’ solo efforts, and thus their music as 2AM. The universe works in mysterious ways.
I am quite saddened to hear that 2AM weren’t entirely comfortable with their “I was wrong” stages; I loved the puppet concept, and thought they pulled off quite well. The synchronisation wasn’t always 100%, but their movement fit the song and always placed the vocals first, and I’m a sucker for that kind of choreography. I am also a sucker for R&B, and I absolutely loved that medley Gil mentioned. In fact, I would greatly appreciate more R&B from these guys, or even Motown– that genre worked well for other vocally talented boybands like Human Nature, and I would love to hear me some Korean Motown. And jazz would be amazing too, if they did that… oh, my head’s spinning from all the possibilities…
But, if 2AM wished to remain as a ballad group (which would be a shame solely from the point of view of musical growth and evolution), then they could at least sing something happy– or if they do sing less heavy songs, to promote them more. Thus far, it seems that 2AM’s ballad recipe consists of: sadness, angst, and copious tears. While I understand that sadness and ballads go together perfectly, that doesn’t mean you can’t sing meaningfully about things other than heartbreak using the ballad construct. I can’t agree that ballads are not flexible in that sense, and it would be really exciting if 2AM realised that as well, with respect to their promotional material. Sure, their image may be that of the sad ballad guys or whatever, but I feel like it’s starting to stagnate, and 2AM need to bring something new to the table, especially if they want to remain relevant in K-pop.
I’ve also come to a realisation regarding ballads: for me, one non-negotiable requirement when I listen to ballads is that it has to be quiet. I can deal with background noise when listening to other music, but for ballads, even if they do up the volume with soaring vocals, it really distracts me. This could explain why I have so many ballads on my sleepy-time playlist; nighttime is when my household is the quietest, and I can listen easily and give my full attention to the ballads. I guess for me, ballads need me to concentrate to have an effect, and I can’t always do that. And, perhaps, that is why I’m averse to them; they compete for my attention during the day, and I can’t give them that. Or, more often than not, I’d prefer to “Boom Shakalaka” instead.
But that’s just me; do you see ballads differently? How do ballads affect you? And what kind of genre and/or subject matter would you like to see 2AM tackle? Leave your thoughts below!
(KBS, Osen, SBS, Valent Lau) Credit : http://seoulbeats.com/2012/03/sb-exchange-12-2am-is-ballad-time/
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