Tegomass no Mahou Live! Release 25.4.12
DVD Limited Editon 6,000 yen Live DVD release from Tegomass (Tegomasu) featuring their concert held at Yokohama Arena on December 18, 2011. Includes full-length version of a music video "Maho no Melody." Limited edition includes a bonus DVD with over 100-minute documentary footage of their tour. Also comes with a 40-page booklet and a sticker with their message.
DVD Regular Edition 5,500 yen Live DVD release from Tegomass (Tegomasu) featuring their concert held at Yokohama Arena on December 18, 2011. Includes full-length version of a music video "Maho no Melody." Regular edition includes a bonus DVD with over 100-minute documentary footage of their tour. แถม! sticker with message (printed)
Blu-ray 6,000 yen Live Blu-ray release from Tegomass (Tegomasu) featuring their concert held atYokohama Arena on December 18, 2011. Includes full-length version of a music video "Maho no Melody." sticker with message (printed)
Song list 1.[DISC1] overture 2.[DISC1] 魔法のメロディ 3.[DISC1] ぼくらの空 4.[DISC1] 猟奇的ハニー 5.[DISC1] 七夕祭り雪だるま 6.[DISC1] アイアイ傘 7.[DISC1] Mr. Freedom 8.[DISC1] くしゃみ 9.[DISC1] 卒業アルバムわすれもの 10.[DISC1] 花火 11.[DISC1] 夕焼けの歌 12.[DISC1] ding-dong 13.[DISC1] とまどいながら 14.[DISC1] ずっとありがとう・今 15.[DISC1] ミソスープ 16.[DISC1] キッス〜帰り道のラブソング〜希望の光を心に灯そう 17.[DISC1] はなむけ 18.[DISC1] さくらガール 19.[DISC1] 夕焼けと恋と自転車Over Drive 20.[DISC1] HIGHWAY 21.[DISC1] 青いベンチ 22.[DISC2] ENCORE: チーター ゴリラ オランウータン/アイノナカデ 23.[DISC2] ツアードキュメンタリー 〜まほうのうら〜 (DVDのみ収録) 24.[DISC2] 魔法のメロディ ミュージッククリップ フルバージョン
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Shizuka chan
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วันจักรี 55 01:25:35