[Interview] Jo SeungWoo Talks about Peach Tree & Ku HyeSun in Cosmopolitan Oct2012[/b]
CosmoWhat are you saying?! Because of your drama filming, it will be hard for you to go down to PIFF. I hear that Director Ku HyeSuns <Peach Tree> will be screened at PIFF.
JSWI know. I am right in the middle of filming for the drama that I cannot say it for sure. Of course, I do want to go there.
CosmoI saw you in the still cut from <Peach Tree>. Compared to now, you looked very thin in that still cut.
JSWMost likely I was weighing about 10kg less at that time. I was not trying to lose weight, but, at that time, no matter how much and what I ate, I rarely gained weight. Maybe it is because I was also performing on stage for the play at the same time I was filming for <Peach Tree>. On top of that, I had to put on white make-up and wear blue-colored lens. So, I may have looked even gaunter. The fact that I had to wear the clothes backwards and walk around backwards for my role may have been an exercise for me as well.
CosmoAh, you appear as the Siamese twins with Ryu DukHwan-ssi. I happen to watch the yet to be published OST mv for the movie. And, how should I say this
.I felt very warm listening to the mv, more than I imagined. I thought it would be a cruel childrens fairy tale given the background stage setting for the movie.
JSW<Peach Tree> and childrens cruel fairy tale do not go together. Even though some may view Siamese twins as monsters in the story, it is ultimately a warm and moving story. Basically, my character who hangs behind carries lots of guilt. I would think that, if it was not for me, my younger brother would be normal. Both charactersI who hang behind and my brother who must carry me around like a lump in the headcannot have normal lives. Ultimately, through my death, my brother could be re-born as normal, intact person. <Peach Tree> talks about the great brotherly love as well as the issue of disability. If you watch the movie directly, you will become clearer about the message and the emotions. Aside from the prejudices about abnormality and cruelty, people will have warm feelings towards it.
CosmoIt was totally unexpected that you chose to do Director Ku HyeSuns movie.
JSWTowards the end of my enlistment, I had some time to kill. At that time, I became aware of the news about Ku HyeSun. While in the army, my desire for creativity surged and it was at this time that I heard about a young actress who is displaying her various abilities in directing, drawing and composing and more. I became very curious. I basically thought of her as the cute actress from a one CF scene. I immediately got a hold of her book, <Magic> and read it. I fell into a shock. I could not tear away from the book until I finished it. How can she have such a sensibility? I think I said that to myself numerous times as I read the book. It was amazing that she was able to write hundreds of pages on one theme. Then, I also read <Tango>. I could not erase the impression from my head that her way of expressing and the messages inside the book were extremely refreshing and unique. Coincidentally, at that time, I received Director Ku HyeSuns script. The production team member of <Magic> movie is a friend from another movie that I made with him, <TTah-JJah>. If there are scripts that you just want to skip to the end, there are also scripts that make you read the whole thing in one sitting. I felt that way about her script and I also felt so refreshed reading it.
CosmoAs an actor, you had to be drawn to a refreshing and unique content.
JSWI know. Coincidentally, at that time, I resolved to myself that I am going to act for independent and/or low-budget movies if it is really good. I read Director Ku HyeSuns first draft scriptnot even a final copyand really loved it. The idea of one body with two living souls was already unique and new. So, right after the army discharge, I met with Director Ku HyeSun.
CosmoYou must have been really taken by her. Especially to meet a pretty Director Ku HyeSun right after coming out of the army, you must have really been taken by her.
JSWTo be honest with you, she was radiant. I felt such brightness coming from her that I thought she was the worlds prettiest director. I told her a little about my thoughts and opinions about the script. Within short few days, I received an extremely upgraded script at my home. There was nothing for me to do but to agree to do the movie. Not only that, I was even more drawn to it as she was considering casting Ryu DukHwan as the other actor. He is an actor whom I really wanted to act with one day.
CosmoTo accept the role of the twin who is attached in the back means that your acting rests a great deal on your expressions. Your body did not have the freedom. It must have been a great challenge as an actor.
JSWYes, it definitely was. The fact that I must act 100% through my expression was one of the reasons that I chose this movie. Even though it was a challenge for me, I did not especially go out of the bound as an actor. I focused hard on my emotions.
CosmoI heard that the movie was made within an extremely short period of time. Even though you are the lead in the movie, you only had to act 6 filming sessions.
JSWWe filmed exactly once a week, 6 times. Personally I really hate the long waiting that follows filming for movies because time is really precious. The way Director Ku HyeSun works is that she already has every single scene in detail stored inside her head. Because she knows exactly what image she is looking for from the start of the filming to the point of editing that she never wasted even a second of the cameras roll of films.
CosmoI never knew that she is the kind of director with such huge charisma.
JSWBecause she is so young and started out as an actress, there could be lots of negative prejudice. But, if you are to directly experience how Director Ku HyeSun works on location, you will be surprised. As a director, her point of views and philosophy are extremely clear.
Source: Cosmopolitan
Translation: cheerkoo @ soompi
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