ลูกพี่ให้สัมภาษณ์เกี่ยวกับการเดินพรมแดงในงาน BIFF ในฐานะ Filmmaker ไม่ใช่ในฐานะนักแสดงค่ะ
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김남길 Kim Nam Gil-17th BIFF 2012 Press Interview-Ensemble
Kim Nam Gil is indeed back in the limelight , after his first appearance in the 17th Busan International Film Festival yesterday, October 4 2012. However, he had chosen to strut on t he red carpet not as an actor but a producer instead for the fake documentary film "Ensemble".
Headlines such as "Charisma unchange", "A dignified gentleman", " A wonderful looking man with the mustache", "Killer Smile", "Sweet Eyes" --these are only the few words describe by media during his red carpet opening ceremony appearance, proving his popularity was not written off during his hiatus for two years.
Here's a summary of his interviews. With limited Korean I have, I chose to compress his interview and only highlighted the important ones.
Held at Hanwha Resort Haeundae, Busan, reporters met with actor Kim Nam Gil for his testimonies and reasons of his transformation as a filmaker. He personally attended the 17th Busan International Film Festival for his first produced movie, "Ensemble" which he was directly involved in the making of the said documentry music film.
There are rumors about Kim Nam Gil being wealthy enough to become a filmaker, but definitely it is not true.
He felt the timing is right for him to produce a film after his military discharge last July 2012. He reasoned out how the works of musicians and talented people do not always land on the movie or TV screen. He also want to communicate to the public about the world famous classical musicians , as well as to introduce them with the common people.
But it doesn't mean when he co-produced a movie , he is already rich. He basically was fond of the way the movie 's approach of talking about musicians. It was during a healing concert held in a hospital yard when the idea of gathering musicians to serve as a medium to inspire people attracted him the idea of creating a movie about it.
The movie is about communication between musicians and their interaction with the public. It is an honest documentary movie about the Olympus Ensemble, who tries hard to promote classical music.
‘Ensemble’ is a fake documentary detailing the stories of the next-generation classical artists in Korea. The film will feature the artists trying to communicate with the masses through their music and the dilemma stemming from the realities with beautiful imagery and moving performances. Kim Nam-gil reportedly decided to take part in the production when he heard about the motive of the film’s story, the Healing Concert in Seoul National University Hospital of Bundang, and the story behind the individual artists, by chance.[ from koreanmovie.com]
"Once you get 'ensemble', you will be drawn about the 7 young genius classical artists called called together in one world. People are trying to communicate with the masses, breaking the mold of their work, and advocate the documentary movie classical music for the first time in Korea." He said. He is indeed thankful about BIFF for giving the movie an opportunity to be introduced in public and promises its premiere before the end of 2012.
Kim Nam Gil returns not as an actor but a filmaker instead after his two years military service. "To return to the public as a producer rather than an actor after two years , I am honored and I will do my best", he said.
However he admitted being nervous returning to the entertainment industry, specially the idea of him walking on the red carpet not as a performer but a person behind the movie. "I've never done anything like this attending in a film festival as a movie producer. I had butterflies in my stomach", he admits. Spending two years as a public service personnel gave him the time to work not as an actor but someone who serves the traffic management department. However BIFF gave him the confidence back. "Now it's clear. I know where to start and will prepare myself to film on November[Referring to his upcoming movie, Backwards Running Man] " , the actor said.
His popularity remains on top when he was released from military. "Two years went by quickly", he said. We did mobilization works when it snows. It was very difficult. When you talk about army duty with a friend you will say "We shovel snow for two years". He resented in humorous way, "When you're in the Army, you're in big trouble".
"The public may have prejudice or misconceptions about celebrities joining the army. In the camp, we work very hard. In the field I worked hard to adjust in the environment very quickly."
"I personally want to learn the piano" Kim Nam Gil confesses. But when asked if he will continue to produce more films in the future, he said he will stick into acting. "It seems this will be my first and last production."
CREDIT AS TAGGED Translation by LyraYoo (summary and nonverbatim) Please credit to https://www.facebook.com/KimNamGilPhilippines l @kimnamgilstory when reposted, thank you~~
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