Fan Clubs From 26 Nations Donate 12 Tons of Rice for JYJ Park Yoo Chun ‘I Miss You’ Press Conference
JYJ Park Yoo Chun fans have come out, once more, in full force to show their love for the star.
According to Park Yoo Chun’s C-Jes Entertainment fan clubs from 26 different nations came together to send congratulatory rice wreaths for the star at the press conference for his upcoming MBC drama, I Miss You with some 12 tons of rice donated in all for charity.
In addition, 2,160 charcoal briquette packs, 2,000 packs of instant ramen and 100 mango trees were also donated by fans as well.
C-Jes Entertainment thanked fans once more for their overwhelming love and support and ensured all the donations would go towards helping those in need.
Park Yoo Chun’s I Miss You premieres on November 7.
Photo Credit: C-Jes Entertainment
Source: enewsWorld
[NEWS] JYJ’s Yoo Chun donates 12 tons of rice
JYJ’s Yoo Chun recently donated twelve tons of rice that he received from his fans from 26 countries.
On November 5, C-Jes Entertainment, Yoo Chun’s agency, reported that Yoo Chun recently received twelve tons of rice from his fans at the press conference for the production of his new drama series. Cheering for Yoo Chun for appearing in MBC TV’s new drama series Missing You as a lead actor, his fans from 26 countries sent the rice.
At the conference, Yoo Chun received a total of twelve tons of rice, briquettes, ramen, and mango.
The agency says, “They will be donated to people who need them.”
Missing You is a melodrama about a man and a woman who live with painful memories about their first love. It will start airing on November 7.
Source: Starnews
Credit: en.Korea
Shared by: JYJ3
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