Scans & Translation by akumanobonnou © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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January, the large scaled rookies debuted. At the same place where Kim Hyunjoong, the ex-SS501 leader, made his solo debut, these rookies gathered 3000 people suddenly and they held their showcase. Before their debut, they appeared on their own reality program on the Korean MTV called ‘Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P’, and that program was broadcasted in 8 Asian countries including Japan. Their debut song, WARRIOR, just one week later after it’s release it got into the top 10 albums chart in the USA Billboard accomplishing a brilliant achievement. ‘Hanryu Pia’ has accomplished to make a coverage of B.A.P was the first Japanese magazine to do so.
The KPOP world’s youngest 15-year old genius rapper revealed
―Having just debuted recently, please, introduce yourselves and explain your talents to your Japanese fans.
Yongguk: I’m the leader and rapper. I also wrote the lyrics for all the songs and I’m also a producer. I’m not a really charming person (laughs). But since I’m an artist, I want to get closer to the Japanese people through music and I want to appeal to you too. I think one day we’ll release an album and we’ll promote in Japan.
Himchan: I’m the vocalist. I’m the same age as Yongguk, 21 years old. (In Japanese) Himchan is cute (laughs). Ah, he’s cool. His voice is good~. When I see myself not talking, even if I shockingly look like a person difficult to approach, I’m quite friendly.
―Your Japanese is good! Are you studying it?
Himchan: I’ve been studying it since before but because of the debut preparations I haven’t studied Japanese for 5 months.
Daehyun: I’m the main vocalist. I’m confident in singing. I want to become a vocalist whose voice gets stuck in people’s ears so please, look over me. But since I’m still not used to being on TV I might not be able to show my cool side. Ah~ (appearing on) TV is difficult.
Youngjae: I’m also the main vocalist. We won’t lose to anyone in terms of passion and music. So please, listen to our music by all means!
Jongup: I’m the vocalist and dancer. My weak point is that I’m shy. When the fans approach me I end up being shy too… but I can perform with confidence and power on stage. (While being shy) please be sure to see me while I’m onstage.
Zelo: I’m B.A.P’s youngest, Zelo who’s in charge of rapping, I’m 15 years old. Recently, I heard that Japanese people like cat eyes. Because I also have cat like eyes, it becomes my charm point? Furthermore… I’m still a child but it’s ok to call me ‘oppa’, since I’ve the height (laughs). My biggest appeal point to my appearance of having fun while performing.
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―It has been just a month since you debuted as B.A.P but, before that, Yongguk participated in your company’s subaenim’s, Secret Jieun’s solo song called ‘Going Crazy’ and you also released a song with BEAST’s Yoseob called ‘I Remember’right?
Yongguk: Yes. Before debuting with B.A.P they were one part of the projects I assumed.
―In ‘I remember’ you wrote the lyrics with Chance but…….. when we asked him ‘what kind of person is Yongguk’ he replied ‘he talks really slow’ (laughs).
Yongguk: Chance talks really fast (laughs). Since I worked together with Chance, I learned a lot of things. He’s a musician I liked a lot and I listen to his songs pretty often.
―Himchan, you were the MC at a music program on MTV called ‘THE SHOW’, how was it?
Himchan: Because the group won’t be good if we aren’t together, it had a bit of a burden; but, because I did my best I felt at ease. I think it suited me.
Youngjae: We debuted as B.A.P but, since we had members who worked in different fields before we had a sense of security. I’m thankful that they gained experience and knowledge before.
―And, just before debuting as B.A.P, in December we saw an unit called Bang&Zelo.
Yongguk: The unit of Zelo and mine released a song called ‘Never Give Up’ it’s a work that Zelo thought about. In order to showcase Zelo to the world, the production team pulled off the theme, music and styling. Zelo also overflows wisdom and passion, and he’s a child who does what he’s told well. It was a work the staff and also myself, were satisfied with.
―It’s really unthinkable that Zelo is 15 years old.
Zelo: That it’s, for sure, my height’s fault (laughs). Looking back at the TV and radio programs I appeared……. They were different situations. I’m more busy right now.
―Yongguk, in ‘Ta-Dah it’s B.A.P’ you recalled the memories up to the debut and you cried right?
Yongguk: Ah~ I really hate to cry (shy laugh). I was a trainee for 6 years. I also did some activities alone, but this one year as B.A.P, I thought about our moments before debuting. The day we recorded that program, it also was the day that our first teaser was finished, and recalled my memories like a revolving lantern and I felt that on my chest.
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Sorry because the letters got blurred… but I didn’t think it was very important, since you’re reading this translation after all right? lol
Just 3 days after debuting, the scene that could be seen from the stage
―In January 26th you released your debut song WARRIOR. Yongguk wrote the lyrics, so could you please explain them to us?
Yongguk: The theme was idols who couldn’t be touched, that couldn’t be handled by anyone. We criticize the modern society, and wanted to show that, at the end, the justice wins.
―Jongup, you’re in charge of the dance so could you tell us the point of WARRIOR’s dance?
Jongup: It has to be the dance breaks’ stomp part. Stomping is a hash dance consisting on making sounds hitting your legs with your hands strongly while you step and forming a rhythm, a thing that any other artist have never done it before. I want you to focus on that part.
Yongguk: It’s a song with overflowing manly charm. That’s why, with lyrics that carry a message, I want you to pay attention to the manly stomping.
Zelo: At the last part of the MV I’m shot and I die. We’ve performances too but in the TV we’re thinking of changing it.
Himchan: We thought it’d be good to do a different thing every week and we’re preparing it. Each member’s story will be expanded.
Youngjae: That day, the person with a good condition will be shot? (Laughs)
―On January 27th, in Music bank, you had your debut stage right?
Yongguk: We were satisfied. We also prepared our music program appearance for a long time. Before going on air, we practiced the dance a lot of times, and we also were hurt physically but no one was hopeless and didn’t complain. So we were satisfied with the performance too.
―Then, the 28th, you held a showcase where you gathered 3000 people but, who was the most scared then? (Laughs)
Himchan: Individually, all of us were scared (laughs).
Yongguk: Wasn’t it Jongup?
Jongup: I was nervous but I enjoyed it excitedly.
―There seems to be a member whose shoe flew…..
All: Jongup!
Jongup: Yes….. at that time I didn’t know what to do (laughs).
Yongguk: Regardless of being rookies, we were really thankful that a lot of people came. Performing is such a big stage for the first time was a new experience. Also, we want to perform on a bigger stage. We’ll become a more hardworking B.A.P and we’ll show a better appearance to our fans, and these feelings are new too.
―What was the happiest thing/moment?
Himchan: The first moment when the audience could only see our silhouettes and we danced but when the curtain dropped, and tons of lightsticks’ light got into our eyes, it gave me goose bumps. I was deeply moved.
All: That’s right!
―When did you realize that you had debuted?
Himchan: When I saw the fans from the stage.
Zelo: When a lot of fans came.
Jongup: Me too, when I was on the stage.
Daehyun: When the fans waited for us.
Youngjae: When I was on the stage.
Yongguk: When we did an interview like this the 6 of us (laughs).
―B.A.P has just started but, what do you want to challenge in the future?
Youngjae: I want to become a group who’s in the lead. A group that it’s the trend worldwide. And, this year, the rookie award!
―Finally, send a message to your Japanese fans.
Yongguk: We already knew we had Japanese fans because we saw messages on twitter and other networks; we look at all your messages carefully. Thanks a lot. We also want to promote in Japan quickly, so please, wait for us a little bit more. We really want to show you a cool appearance. So expect B.A.P’s appearance changes from now on.