Kim So Eun, humor Main Weapon Princess SookHwi
SookHwi daughter played by Kim So Eun has won the hearts of audiences with kepolosannya, Kim So Eun became the source of life on location filming and give a pleasant prehistoric atmosphere.
Always bright atmosphere created in each of the scenes in the filming. Before enrollment Jo Boa actress in the drama, Kim So Eun became the youngest player among the other senior actors. In each taking pictures Kim So Eun always consistently maintained youthful and bright smile well in front of the camera or otherwise.
When it is time to rest and wait for the scene, Kim So Eun were seen between the seniors and create a pleasant atmosphere, such as taking pictures together, have discussions or flighty funny.
The emergence of senior actor Kim Chang Wan which was previously used to work with Kim So Eun in the drama 'A Thousand Kisses' shows how he takes care of the strong friendship and good relations between senior and junior behind the scenes.
Staff say that the location filming drama accustomed to smiles and camaraderie Kim So Eun together with the senior actor, greet each other even in the middle density filming schedule, but always creates a bright in every scene.
Credit: Kim so eun Indonesia... and used google translate