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    9 months troubles!

    Hi everyone,

    I dont know what to do?! We are having trouble here with our 9 months old baby.

    its so difficult to put him to bed, sometime I feed or cuddle him till sleep then when i put him in the cot he woke up and cry. Sometimes i pick him up and comfort him till he sleep but sometimes i let him cry and dint pick him at all so he is often cry and scream to sleep for up to 2 hours. He is never sleep without crying when i leave him alone. He used to be sleeping in our bed till he was 4 months then we move him and trying to train him to sleep by himself in the cot but he is never sleep without crying. What can i do?

    And one more problem, he is always want me or his dad to be next to him all the times. I put him in the playpin he cry i sit in there with him he stop. i cant do anything! I leave him cry so many times till i finished what I have to do and i thought that if i dont pick him up he will learn that crying is not working then he will stop but he is never stop till. he will cry till someone sit with him. sometimes he cry for more than an hour or so. and i just walking around in the house to do house work and he still can see me but he still cry. How can i train my baby to play by himself?

    help me please

    จากคุณ : ann - [ 24 เม.ย. 52 19:54:27 A: X: TicketID:170840 ]


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