ความคิดเห็นที่ 159 |
- ชื่อ login >>> LittleApple
- ที่มา เก๋ๆ ของ login >>> It's from my real nickname.
- อายุ-ชื่อ >>> Apple is my name. As for my age.... How about forever 21??? ^ ^" alright, alright..... seriously now, I'll be turning 38 not too long from now.... Ugh, that makes me feel so old. T______T
- สถานภาพ >>> Single (legally) but in a relationship .
- นิสัยใจคอ >>> easy going, could be too sensitive at times.
- เพื่อนใหม่ในก้นครัว >>> I've got some friends from this web board but sort of lost contact with them. I'm still looking for new friends. A person cannot have enough friends, don't you think?
- ความประทับใจ..ในก้นครัว >>> too many to name here...
- สิ่งที่คาดหวัง...หรือ อยากให้เป็น ในก้นครัว >>> I don't have any expectation, really. As you might have heard this quote before "no expectations, no disappointments".
I now come to realize that life is so much easier when you're not expecting anything to happen from your friends, family or life. Plus, I perfectly understand, this is an internet world. So, when I am on this web board, I take the good and leave the bad behind, so to speak. Hope this all makes sense.
Have a good day ka.
I'm at work so this is the only decent picture I've got. ^______^
แก้ไขเมื่อ 03 ก.พ. 53 02:06:39
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2 ก.พ. 53 22:13:49