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    Would like to clarify something between SMG and ไอ้แล่ด


    The topic has been dropped too far down the page so decided to post a new one so that you two and others can read my thoughts about the situation.

    Let me begin.

    Just have a chance to come back in to read that topic.

    Against my better judgement I decided to leave this message for all to read so that people in here would understand the real situation.

    After I met you two ladies,  I noticed there something between you two, although you both claimed that you did not know each other that well, only met casually a few times during the past five years. It made me wonder why there would be any ill feelings towards one another. From what you told me I finally came to a conclusion that it was because SMG wanted to protect her internet privacy by not revealing her real identity to you and that made you extremely furious.

    I have been trying to be neutral since I am older than both of you and I have only just met the both of you last month, you ไอ้แล่ด only once but my daughter and I have met SMG and her partner and spent sometimes together often since then. I would not dare to say that I know SMG and her partner very well but perhaps more than most, you included.

    A few sentences that really hit me the most are below; another reason why I came back in, in order to clarify things.

    "ปกติไม่เคยนำเรื่องส่วนตัวของใครมาเปิดอยู่แล้ว ทั้งๆที่รู้ดี รู้ลึก"
    "ใครสงสัย หรืออะไร สอบถามแล่ดได้เสมอ ไม่มีปัญหา"

    It sounded as if you knew SMG very well.  I wonder why you would want to tell people about what have been going on between the two of you (เรื่องส่วนตัว).  It seems to me that you just want to spread 'vicious gossip' about a person whom you barely know.

    With my comments above I guess you would be mad at me. For that I apologise, SMG has been attacked by a number of people a few times due to her outspoken personality and I just don't want people to get more wrong impression about SMG than what has already been.

    Let it go.  Forgive and forget.

    Best wishes.

    จากคุณ : genf - [ วันเข้าพรรษา 14:30:23 ]


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