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    How much should you tip a pizza delivery man?

    depends! Is the pizza HOT? did you get what you wanted? did he offer you condiments like peppers or Parmesan cheese? If he (or she) was able to do these things I do 20% Doing this ensures the next time I order they will remember I was a good tipper and bend over backwards to make me happy!
    bend over backwards = คืออะไรครับ

    Other things that may factor in your decision to give him less:
    1) They take too long to deliver the pizza
    2) The cheese has fallen off the pizza (be sure to check before you tip him)
    3) The pizza (you can feel it through the box somewhat when he hands it to you) is cold
    cheese has fallen off = ไม่เข้าใจครับ cheese ติดกับแป้งแล้วจะ fall ได้ไงครับ

    I'd not order from the restaurant if they mixed it up and the pizza is late and don't comp the pizza or throw something in for free.
    mixed it up, comp, throw something in for free = แปลว่าอะไรครับ

    จากคุณ : jay - [ 25 ส.ค. 50 11:08:45 A: X: ]


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