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    Oder Thai books online

    Swasdee ka, haven't posted here for a while (again :P) and Thai keyboard has given up its life so I have no choice but typing in Eng. until I reclaim my Thai keyboard back na ka.

    I accidentally found this website and was wondering if anyone has bought from this place before? I'm seriously considering ordering heaps from them but a bit cautious buying online. I do online shopping all the time here in Australia but that's because I'm aware of their reputations (extremely caustious with ebay too).

    I haven't read Thai novels for ages and I'm very very very tempted!! haha They charge everything in the U.S. dollars which is fantastic because the exchange rate (USD -> AUD) is very good at the moment. I work out it's going to cost me less than asking my parents to buy the books and send them over here (Thai baht is quie strong now).

    What do you think ka? And what do you do/where do you buy Thai books when you want to read them so badly?

    Thanks ka, will come back and post pics of Nu Beck from her 2nd birthday party too :D

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 50 20:59:14

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 50 20:54:00

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 50 20:45:58

    จากคุณ : แพนด้าหญิง - [ 28 ก.ย. 50 20:43:25 ]


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