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    Good news for people who have recently applied for or are about to apply for a COA.

    Changes to the Certificate of Approval Scheme
    Latest News

    09 April 2009

    With effect from 9 April 2009 the UK Border Agency is suspending the fee for Certificate of Approval applications. This means that individuals making an application for a Certificate of Approval on or after this date will not be required to pay the fee.

    The fee has been suspended in order to comply with the House of Lords judgment in the case of Baiai v the Secretary of State for the Home Department.

    The UK Border Agency is carefully considering the implications for those who have already paid a fee and will shortly announce its policy in this respect.


    แก้ไขเมื่อ 10 เม.ย. 52 19:27:31

    จากคุณ : genf - [ 10 เม.ย. 52 18:50:49 ]


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