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    My boyfriend is black, but...

    Hi! Everybody. My story is quite long, please be patient to read it. Thanks ka.

    My boyfriend is black, african and he has been my boy almost one and a half years. I came into his life when he had a problem. It’s about his family. He used to get married before and he has three little kids. He used to say to me, he didn’t know how he would deal with this problem if he didn’t have me. The reason is he‘s so upset about this situation, coz he really loved his ex-wife eventhough before he got married, his sister tried to stop him to have wedding. His sister knows her very well, she said this women is not good. However, because of love and that he was young (25 yo, now he is 33), he didn’t believe her. Actually, I want to ask him more how come he got divorced, I think it’s not fair for his ex-wife, for I heard everything only from my boyfriend’s mouth not from hers. But I don’t want to hurt him more, so I just kept quiet and listend to him. That time he always travaled to see his sisters and his mom, and he had plan to move to another state. He said he doesn’t like here anymore.

    Finally, he quit the job and moved to that state. The first problem was money. He doesn’t like to save any money. He said when he was a kid his parents always spoiled him and they always gave him money, for they didn’t have much time to take care of him.( his parents had two big businesses in his country). Thus, I have to start teaching him how to save some money for his future and for his kids. Now he brings all of his kids to stay with him. Also he came to new place with a small money but it was gone so fast. Therefore, he had to ask me for this help and I had given him almost three hundreds dollars. I asked him to ask for his parent or his sister’s help, but he said he would not let his family know he has a problem. In my mind, I think I would not give him more money, I have to save some for my bill too. This is the point.

    จากคุณ : MT - [ 30 มี.ค. 48 17:26:36 A: X: TicketID:046309 ]


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