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    How to Divorce an English husband

    Khun genf and maebann uk
    Is any one know how to get divorce with in a very short period of time i mean less than 2 years,a friend of mine she has leave to remain visa which is due to expires in Oct this year the ploblem is she did split up with her husband 5 month ago and she have no interest to stay in uk. all she want to do is solve out divorce before going back to Thailand.
    l don' t know much about this sort of thing and as far as i know if her husband agree it's can be done with in 6 weeks is that true? Please someone who experienced do come along and help me as she can't affort a solicitor.

    จากคุณ : nurse uk. - [ 16 ก.ค. 48 09:42:09 A: X: TicketID:074997 ]


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