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ขอความกรุณาพี่ ๆ ช่วยตรวจบทพูด oral presentation ทีครับ ติดต่อทีมงาน

ค่อนข้างยาวนะครับ พิมพ์ลง word แล้วประมาณ 4 หน้า เกี่ยวกับวิธีการลดน้ำหนักครับ ตั้งแต่ปัญหาของคนอ้วน วิธีการลด แล้วการเปลี่ยนแปลงหลังการลดน้ำหนักครับ

ขอบคุณพี่ ๆ ทุกคนล่วงหน้าครับ

Someone in this room who has known me since the fresh year might have seen me that I am a very fat man. Yes. I am fat since I was a little child. When I studied in grade 12, I used to weigh 104 kilograms and my waistline was about 42 inches. I started losing my weight 7 months ago; in December 2011. Until now I have lost for 22 kilograms. Now I weigh 73 kilograms and my waistline is around 33 inches.

And this is the origin of my today presentation- Losing weight from my experience.

Losing weight is not only for your health but for your life.

The first topic I’m going to talk about is problems which most overweight people face.

The second one in about how I lost weight in 7 months.

And the third topic is about the change in life after losing weight.

Feel free to ask question after my presentation.

Ok. Let’s start with the first topic. There are three problems that many overweight people usually face.

The first one is bad health. From many researches, obese people are likely to have many diseases such as high-blood pressure, diabetes, high-fat in blood system, stroke, heart disease, and arthritis. This is because fat people like to eat food that has high fat and sugar that are risky to their health.

The next problem is losing confidence. For example, I know one person. She is very fat. She weighs more than 130 kilograms. She told me that she never got out of her house for many years because she felt embarrassed with her appearance. She didn’t want other people to look at her and called her ไอ้อ้วน (fat guy), because if you know, Thai people like to call other people with their prominent points like fat, or short. (or in Thai ไอ้อ้วน ไอ้เตี้ย) I think every fat guy don’t want to be called like that, including me. It makes fat people lose their confidence and don’t want to meet other people.

In addition, for overweight people, it’s too hard to find big-sized clothes. For my case, I have just about 6 T-shirts and 4 shorts and their designs are very ugly.

The third problem that many fat people face is about deftness. Because of their big bodies and much weight, obese people can’t walk too much. They can’t run or ride a motorbike or bicycle. They can’t sit on common chairs. For instance, I used to sit on a chair and then it was broken. Seriously.

You can see that these problems- bad health, losing confidence, and deftness cause difficult life for fat people.

And it inspires many of them to lose their weight, so, from now, I am going to talk about the next topic- how to lose weight. The sentence that I’d like you to keep in mind while losing weight is “changing your habits all your life”.

Before I’m going to talk about how to lose weight, I would like to talk about inspiration. You must have motivation. Why you want to lose weight? For beautiful shape? Good health? For yourself? For people you love? Or for what? You have to answer this question before starting losing weight. This is very important because it will make you succeed in your goal easier. When you feel tired or don’t want to lose weight anymore, I want you to realize your first purpose, your reason why you want to lose your weight. It will cheer you up.

Ok. Next, I am going to talk about my method. I will divide it into two parts. The first one and the most important is food, and the second one is exercise.

The first one, food, is the most important factor for losing weight. If you do an exercise too hard but not control your diet, you will not succeed in losing weight. I have some words that you should know. The first one is BMR. BMR or Basic Metabolic Rate is the amount of energy expended daily by humans at rest. It means that if you sleep 24 hours in one day. The amount of energy you use while sleeping will be equal to this BMR. BMR is based on three factors; weight, height, and age. You can search for the BMR calculator in Google.

Another word I’m going to show you is TDEE. TDEE or Total Daily Energy Expenditure is the amount of calories your body needs to function in a day. The difference between BMR and TDEE is you do not sleep all day, right? The TDEE will be increased from BMR with calories you burn out in a day such as walking, running, swimming, or playing sports. You can find the calculator in Google too.
The first rule is “Do not eat less than the BMR and more than the TDEE”. If you eat less than BMR, your body will get the energy from protein in muscle instead of carbohydrate, so you will lose your muscle and may have yoyo effect. Also if you eat more than TDEE, you weight will be gained. You may want to ask me “So, what should I eat for not being less than BMR and more than TDEE”.

Controlling diet has a simple principle that I think everyone knows it- your diet in each day must have five food categories; Carbohydrate, protein, vegetable, fruit, and fat. Some methods may tell you that do not eat carbohydrate because it will gain weight. That’s not true and I recommend to you that you don’t do that. This is because carbohydrate is the most important power resource of your body. You cannot live without carbohydrate. And if you are stubborn to do that method, after you stop losing weight, you will face yoyo effect definitely. My method is changing your habit. Eating completely five categories of food is the best way for you.

However it doesn’t mean you can eat whatever you want. You have to choose food that has low calories and is good for health. For example, in carbohydrate category, you should choose brown rice, wholewheat bread, oat meal, or grains. For protein, you should choose chicken breast because it has fat less than other parts, fish, or bean like almond or soy bean. You can figure out that how many calories each food contains in Google. There are many websites that can tell you.

Furthermore, you should jot down everything you eat, so you can know how many calories you have eaten already and can plan for the next meal that how much you can eat. You can see that you don’t have to torture yourself by starving.

The second part of my method is exercise. Exercise can be divided into two types- cardio and weight training.

Cardio is exercise that raises your heart rate and keeps it elevated for a period of time. Another name for it is aerobic exercise such as jogging, fast walking, swimming, bicycling, elliptical, and kickboxing. The important thing is you have to do cardio continually for at least 30 minutes. The recommendation for this exercise is doing for at least 150 minutes per week. The benefit of cardio exercise is not only to burn your calories out but also to strengthen your heart and decrease the releasing of some hormones that make you hungry.

Another type of exercise is weight training. Weight training or resistance exercise is any exercise where muscles contract against an external resistance with the objective of increasing strength, tone, mass, or muscular endurance. The resistance can come from dumbbells, barbells, weight machines, or your own weight. The benefit of this exercise is to strengthen and build up your muscles. The more you have muscles, the more you burn calories. Also, it will make your body fitted.

However, as I told before, food is more important than exercise. If you only control your diet, you can lose weight. But if you do both- including exercise, you can lose weight faster and have better health.

And the last topic for my presentation is changing in life after losing weight. As I said in the first topic, fat people usually have problems with health, confidence, and lifestyle in daily life. Thus after you lose weight, these problems will be eased up. The first thing is better health. Losing weight can reduce the risk of many diseases that I have told you in the first topic. The second one is having more confidence. Good shape will make you self-confident. You will not feel embarrassed with other people anymore. In addition, you can find clothes to wear easier. And the last thing is better lifestyle. You can walk, run, or move more easily. You will feel more vigorous. For me, it’s like a new life!  

To sum up, losing weight is not as difficult as you think. It’s just controlling what you eat and do exercise regularly. But you must be hurried. You try to think that how long have you gain your weight, so losing weight cannot be succeeded in one week or on months. For someone, it takes time for years.

Finally, I’d like to that not only does losing weight change the number on weighing apparatus but it changes your life. Thank you for your attention. Any questions?

แก้ไขเมื่อ 03 ส.ค. 55 22:20:42

จากคุณ : SaiNoGO
เขียนเมื่อ : วันเข้าพรรษา 55 22:16:48

ข้อความหรือรูปภาพที่ปรากฏในกระทู้ที่ท่านเห็นอยู่นี้ เกิดจากการตั้งกระทู้และถูกส่งขึ้นกระดานข่าวโดยอัตโนมัติจากบุคคลทั่วไป ซึ่ง PANTIP.COM มิได้มีส่วนร่วมรู้เห็น ตรวจสอบ หรือพิสูจน์ข้อเท็จจริงใดๆ ทั้งสิ้น หากท่านพบเห็นข้อความ หรือรูปภาพในกระทู้ที่ไม่เหมาะสม กรุณาแจ้งทีมงานทราบ เพื่อดำเนินการต่อไป

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