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    The Grapefruit Diet

    A 21-day so-called 'diet' of grapefruits, a little protein and not much else.
    Despite many ludicrous claims, grapefruit (like cabbage) does not possess any 'fat-burning' properties.

    What you eat

    Typical breakfast
    Half a grapefruit & black coffee.
    Typical lunch
    Half a grapefruit, 1 egg, some salad, a piece of toast & tea or coffee w/o milk
    Typical dinner
    Half a grapefruit, 2 eggs, half a head of lettuce with tomato, & tea or coffee (no milk).

    ท่าทางจะทำยากเนอะ ถ้าใครทำได้เจ๋งมากๆเลย

    จากคุณ : ~sugarsour~ - [ 3 พ.ย. 47 14:51:32 ]


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