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    Should I quit?

    Extreamly boring with products quality..Holy crap...
    Pro: People here are really nice & good money & chance to go aboard quite often.
    Con: Long distance (Drive back & forth about 100 kms/day), PRODUCT QUALITY really suck. I'm really sick of this shi..I've to excuse with my clients every single day for this problem.

    Moreover, I've planned to go back to US within the end of this year to study, which I got only B1/B2 visa at the moment. I will apply student visa by the end of this year.

    1. Stay here, stay calm and just quit a couple days before leaving to US.
    2. Quit and find a new job, which must be closer to my place. (Next week I will have 2 interviews)

    Just got only 2 choices so far...Need some advise from you

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 20 ส.ค. 48 20:06:48

    จากคุณ : C ทรู - [ 20 ส.ค. 48 11:35:55 ]


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