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    Why is your profile essential? อยากไปตามหาช่างทำแว่นตาด้วยจัง...

    ไปอ่านๆๆ มาอะค่ะ  ทำให้พิกเล็ตยิ่งมีความอยากไปตามหาช่างทำแว่นตาด้วยมากๆๆๆๆ ...  

    ยินดีด้วยสำหรับคนที่ได้ไปงานเสวนาในครั้งนี้นะคะ... และก็หวังเป็นอย่างยิ่งว่า จะมีจัดแบบนี้อีก...(เป็นครั้งที่ สอง สาม สี่ ... ) นะคะ.. นะ นะ.. พี่กาเย กะพี่นินจา  ขอบคุณมากค่ะ  นกหนาว


    Wealth dynamics profiling system:

    WEALTH DYNAMICS is Roger Hamilton’s trademark wealth profiling system, which can determine your path of least resistance to your wealth. All attendees of Stealth Wealth Weekend undergo a profiling test on the weekend, which they then have the opportunity to understand in detail. You’ll find below a simple summary of how and why the WEALTH DYNAMICS profiling system is so successful:

    Advice on how to get rich is everywhere. “Start a business”, “Create passive income”, “options trading” “property investment”, “buy low, sell high”, “sell high, buy low” … Until we know our personal path to wealth, it’s all just noise. Or worse, we may follow our path and then veer off… (veer: to change direction). You make your money in business, and then lose it all on the stock market. You earn over years working for others, and then lose your savings trying to start up on your own business.

    As we generate cash through our lives, we all fact the WEALTH PARADOX. What is the Wealth Paradox?
    The Wealth Paradox is “The more money you have, the more opportunities you have to lose it.”
    Money will always flow or rise to the level of your wealth. We’ve all heard of people winning the lottery or an inheritance and then blowing it spectacularly. If most of us were given $1m tomorrow, most of us would have lost a significant portion of it within a year. How? Because we would spend much of it, and what we invest we would invest in the wrong place, in the wrong way, at the wrong time. Yes, this does mean we are destined to keep seeing whatever money we make drain away – until it reaches the level of our WEALTH. Conversely, you can take away all the money of a truly WEALTHY person and you’ll find they have made the money back again often in a totally unreasonably short period of time. Money will always rise or lower to your level of wealth.

    “Wealth isn’t how much money you have; it’s what you’re left with if you lose all your money.” Truly wealthy people have something called attraction. They have invested their TIME in the components of wealth: Their wealth network (the people they know), their financial fitness (knowing how to play the game), and clarity of their path (we all have a path of least resistance). The wealthy didn’t get wealthy by investing their money; they got wealthy by investing their time. They invested their time on building these three components. When a wealthy person loses all their money, they haven’t lost their network, mindset or clarity, and these make it increasingly easy for them to turn the money tap straight back on again.

    All wealth is built from a basic equation: WEALTH = VALUE x LEVERAGE
    Think of a river. Many think the river is the water, but how can it be if the water you see that makes up the river has disappeared down the river the very next moment! The water flow is a result of two aspects of the river. One is the height (which controls the speed) and the second is the width and depth (which controls the volume). All money flow is determined by wealth in the same way. Money will only flow where there is a value difference – it will always flow from high value to low value. So value is the height. The volume of flow at any moment is as a result of the leverage: Leverage is the width of the river. Believe it or not, every single wealthy person on this planet has created money flow by creating value, and leveraging it.

    Sounds simple… but the challenge is that people appear to have made their wealth in different ways. They have – but only in one of eight different ways. These eight ways are as a result of the way in which they naturally create value and leverage it. This is the basis of Wealth Dynamics.

    VALUE: There are two opposites of how value is created. This is based on the way that your thinking brain is naturally oriented:
    1. Some of us have a tendency towards high frequency “intuitive” thinking. We will create value through one of the opposites: INNOVATION. The value is in something new – faster, smaller, bigger, cheaper, better, etc.
    2. Some of us have a tendency towards low frequency “sensory” thinking. We will create value through the other opposite: TIMING. The value is in time – why innovate anything when you know when to buy and when to sell?

    LEVERAGE: There are also two opposites of how we leverage. This is based on our action dynamic – the way we naturally translate our thinking into action:
    1. Some of us have an internal action dynamic, where we will rely more on systems and numbers to interpret and act. We will leverage by being able to answer the question “How can this happen without me” and to leverage we: MULTIPLY.
    2. Some of us have an external action dynamic, where we will rely more on people and communication to interpret and act. We will leverage by being able to answer the question “how can this only happen with me” and to leverage we: MAGNIFY.
    These four opposites make up the four sides of the Wealth Dynamics Square.

    The eight wealth profiles:

    In summary and without any explanation, here are the eight wealth profiles that create value and leverage in unique combinations:
    THE CREATOR: wealth from products: Examples include Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Walt Disney
    THE STAR: wealth from personal brand: e.g. Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Michael Schumacher
    THE SUPPORTER: wealth from leadership: e.g., Jack Welch, Steve Balmer, Steve Case
    THE DEAL MAKER: wealth from the deal: e.g. Donal Trump, Rupert Murdoch, Li Ka Shing
    THE TRADER: Wealth from trades: e.g., George Soros, Kirk Kerkrian
    THE ACCUMULATOR: wealth from appreciation: e.g., Warren Buffet, Paul Allen
    THE LORD: wealth from cashflow: e.g., John D Rockefeller, John Paul Getty
    THE MECHANIC: wealth from system: e.g., Sam Walton, Ray Krok, Jeff Bezos

    Why is your profile essential?
    Each profile is a different game with different rules. What every one of the above wealth creators has in common is that they played their game and their game only, day in, day out. Where a wealth creator changes game (Steve Case - Supporter to Deal Maker, Martha Stewart - Star to Trader, Richard Li, Deal Maker to Supporter) they quickly lose their wealth. Each profile requires an entirely different strategy, a different team, different mentors, a different wealth network and a different financial fitness.

    Ultimately, the ongoing success of each comes down to sustained focus in that profile. Bill Gates didn't get into deal making at a time when the entire tech industry did. Instead, he focused even more on being creative. Warren Buffett didn't get into trading when everyone was telling him to, but instead continued to focus his time on accumulating the right assets at the right time -- and doing it with passion.

    "I may have more money than you, but money doesn't make the difference. If there is any different between you and me it may simply be that I get up every day and have a chance to do what I love to do, everyday. If you learn anything from me, this is the best advice i can give you. " WARREN BUFFETT

    A lot more! At the Steal Wealth Weekend, participants learn that all businesses, industries, countries, and relationships go through the same reasons in the same sequence, which corresponds to the Wealth Dynamics square. This means that each profile not only knows how to build the right wealth that suits their natural tendencies, but can gain a sensitive for what to do and when.

    The basis of the profiling system goes back to the same roots as Jungian psychometric testing (such tests as MBTI and DISC), which is the basis of natural laws: found in Western physics (quantum mechanics, chaos theory), found in Indian philosophy (mindbody-spirit, chakras), found in Chinese systems (I Ching, Feng Shui) and whcih have been around long before we existed.
    Where the study of this profiling takes on a profound role is in the understanding of the energy frequencies which we can harness to amplify attraction and to build our wealth systematically. (Wealth here is defined as the power to both create and contribute value). As such this system enables you to chart an extraordinary journey to increasing levels of awareness of your own power to create and contribute.
    Not surprisingly, what you do most naturally is also what creates the least stress and the most enjoyment. That's the point - if you're doing something that feels like hard work, you're already doing the wrong thing.

    Once you have clarity on your path of least resistance, you gain incredible clarity on how to invest your time, what the next steps are, who you need to learn from, where you need to be, what you need to do -- and equally important, what not to waste time on any further. From that point onwards, every step is a step in the right direction.

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 01 พ.ค. 48 16:29:35

    แก้ไขเมื่อ 01 พ.ค. 48 06:52:43

    จากคุณ : noopiglet - [ วันแรงงาน 06:50:50 ]


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