ความคิดเห็นที่ 18
The info presented here is not completely accurate, however. Allow me to clarify - briefly - on the Islamic sects:
First off, the 4 groups: Maliki, Hanafi, Hambali, and Shafii are NOT sects within the Sunni Islam. These groups are just a presentation of different thinking schools called Mashab mostly surrounding laws, jurisprudence, and all other legal stuffs in every area of the life of Muslim. They have NO difference whatsoever in the content of their belief: in the Unity of God and the truthfulness of His Messenger, for example.
In Islam, what separates Muslims into sects lies in the belief system alone and only. Whatever belief you may have, that belief must be traced back in or supported by Qur'an and/or the teachings of Muhammad - peace be upon him. This is why Muslim will usually ask for proofs/evidences from these 2 critical sources (there could be other sources, though) before believing in anything that might unwittingly violate their doctrine.
With that said, obviously there have been groups that are not considered as Mashab thanks to their demand for different tenets; namely, Ahmadism (Qadinism), Nations of Islam (in US), and many others. Among these, the most recent one seems to have been a group called Qurani (Quraniyeen or Quraniyoon in plural)- an offshoot of Khalifites founded in Egypt - who claim to believe only in Qur'an (words of God) while deny the teachings of Muhammad typically found in the collections of Hadith (Ahadeeth). And we've had one representative of this group in our Pantip forum as well - just for the record. ;-)
And this is why we don't, can't, and won't regard Shiism as another Mashab 'cause it demands us to embrace different doctrines. Looking from the Sunni standpoint, of course.
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Zeitgeist aka bAdkArmA
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29 เม.ย. 51 14:56:42